Chip-enable gating (STM818 only)
Internal gating of the chip-enable (E) signal prevents erroneous data from corrupting the
external CMOS RAM in the event of an undervoltage condition. The STM818 uses a series
transmission gate from E to ECON (see Figure 11). During normal operation (reset not
asserted), the E transmission gate is enabled and passes all E transitions. When reset is
asserted, this path becomes disabled, preventing erroneous data from corrupting the CMOS
RAM. The short propagation delay from E to ECON enables the STM818 to be used with
most µPs. If E is low when reset asserts, ECON remains low for typically 15 µs (or until E
goes high) to permit the current WRITE cycle to complete. Connect E to VSS if unused.
Chip-enable input (STM818 only)
The chip-enable transmission gate is disabled and E is high impedance (disabled mode)
while reset is asserted. During a power-down sequence when VCC passes the reset
threshold, the chip-enable transmission gate disables and E immediately becomes high
impedance if the voltage at E is high. If E is low when reset asserts, the chip-enable
transmission gate will disable 15 µs after reset asserts (see Figure 12). This permits the
current WRITE cycle to complete during power-down.
Any time a reset is generated, the chip-enable transmission gate remains disabled and E
remains high impedance (regardless of E activity) for the reset time-out period. When the
chip-enable transmission gate is enabled, the impedance of E appears as a 40 Ω resistor in
series with the load at ECON. The propagation delay through the chip-enable transmission
gate depends on VCC, the source impedance of the drive connected to E, and the loading
on ECON. The chip-enable propagation delay is production tested from the 50% point on E to
the 50% point on ECON using a 50 Ω driver and a 50 pF load capacitance (see Figure 39).
For minimum propagation delay, minimize the capacitive load at ECON and use a low-output
impedance driver.
Chip-enable output (STM818 only)
When the chip-enable transmission gate is enabled, the impedance of ECON is equivalent to
a 40 Ω resistor in series with the source driving E. In the disabled mode, the transmission
gate is off and an active pull-up connects ECON to VOUT (see Figure 11). This pull-up turns
off when the transmission gate is enabled.
Figure 11. Chip-enable gating
Doc ID 10522 Rev 10