Supplementary Explanation
1. VCD supply
The VCD line is the power supply for the driver control blocks of channels 1 to 4. The VCD line can be supplied from the
DSP step-up circuit by using a coil with center tap (as shown in the Block Diagram).
However, because the allowable operating range for VCD is 3.6 V to 9.0 V, it is recommended that in order to reduce power
dissipation, the voltage should be set to the low end of this range. (Even if this power supply does not affect the control
performance such as the transfer gain.)
2. Sled step drive
Stepping control in this IC for the sled actuator is as described below. Normal V-type control is used if the SLMODE pin is
set high, but by setting this pin low it is possible to use step drive mode, which has a marked effect in reducing power
dissipation. (This only affects channel 4.)
The step drive starting level is input from the SLREF pin (only a voltage higher than ASPREF will be accepted), and the
positive side step start is determined by comparing the input voltage with IN4. For the negative side, the step start is
determined automatically by setting the differential voltage between the SLREF and the ASPREF on the opposite side, and
then comparing that voltage to IN4. In other words, the control characteristics become as defined by the solid line in the
diagram below. (The rise on the positive and negative steps has no hysteresis.)
Voltage between outputs
SLREF (greater than ASPREF)
If this voltage is set, the negative side step
start is determined automatically by setting the
differential voltage betwwen SLREF and
ASPREF on the opposite side as well.
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2 Not impose any responsibility for any fault or negligence which may be cited in any such claim or litigation on SANYO
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Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for volume
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This catalog provides information as of January, 1996. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.