Vishay Siliconix
220 pF 100
Start Up
The controller supply (VCC) is linearly regulated up to its
target voltage VREG by the on chip pre-regulator circuit.
During power up with VINDET ramping up from 0, the VCC
capacitor minimum charge current is 20 mA and the
pre-regulator voltage is typically 9.3 V. As VINDET exceeds
VREF, the DL/DH outputs are capable of driving 3 nF
MOSFET gate capacitances and hence the pre-regulator
load regulation can easily handle 120 µA to 20 mA load step
with a typical load regulation of 1 %. Current into the external
VCC capacitor is limited to typically 20 mA by the internal
pre-regulator unless an external power source is connected
to VCC pin. This source may be a DC supply or from VIN by
connecting a PNP pass transistor between VIN and VCC. The
VCC pin is protected by a 20 mA clamp when this pin exceeds
14.5 V. The clamp turns on when VCC is between 14.5 V and
16 V. When VCC exceeds the UVLO voltage (UVLOH) a soft
start cycle of the switch mode supply is initiated. The VCC
supply continues to be charged by the pre-regulator until VCC
equals VREG. During this period, between UVLOH and VREG,
excessive load may result in VCC falling below UVLOH and
stopping switch mode operation. This situation is avoided by
the hysteresis between VREG and UVLO Off-Threshold level
PWM Operation
During startup, DL always turns on before DH and both
switch on and off at half the oscillator frequency. The driver
duty cycle increases as SS voltage increases, since the SS
comparator sets the ON pulse width by comparing the SS
ramp voltage with the oscillator ramp voltage. When SS
ramp reaches a voltage that equals to RDB voltage, the PWM
comparator, which compares RDB voltage to the oscillator
ramp, takes over and the maximum duty cycle is now set by
the oscillator ramp and RDB voltage. Mathematically, the
total duty cycle is determined by the following formula:
And the duty cycle on DL or DH will be approximately half of
DTOTAL. Please note that due to oscillator comparator
overshoot the exact duty cycle calculated using above
formula may be slightly different. The PWM operation during
start up can be better understood by referring to "Timing
diagram and soft start duty cycle control" graph. The soft
start completion voltage at SS pin is clamped above the
internal ramp waveform's upper turning point.
Soft Start
The soft start circuit plays an important role in protecting the
controller. At startup it prevents high in-rush current. During
a normal start-up sequence (VCS < VMOC. VCS is the voltage
at CS pin), or following any event that would cause a hiccup-
and-soft-start sequence, CSS will be charged from about 0 V
to a final voltage of 4.8 V at a 20 µA rate. As the voltage on
the CSS rises towards the final voltage, the maximum
permitted DL and DH duty cycles will increase from 0 % to a
maximum defined by the RDB resistor.
When a mild fault condition is detected (VCS = VMOC), CSS
goes into a hiccup mode until fault condition is removed. The
hiccup is activated when CSS discharges to 0.85 VSS at
20 µA and subsequently at 0.4 µA until the fault condition is
removed. Refer to "Fault Conditions and Responses" for
Fault Conditions and Responses
The faults that can cause a hiccup-and-retry cycle are
moderate over-current (MOC), severe over-current (SOC),
chip level UVLO, system level UVLO, and over temperature
protection (OTP).
Prior to detailing the various fault conditions and responses,
some definitions are given:
1. A complete switching period, T, consists of two oscillator
cycles, TDL and TDH.
2. TDL (TDH) is the oscillator cycle during which the DL (DH)
output is in the high state.
3. T is defined as starting at the beginning of TDL, and
terminating at the end of TDH.
Response to MOC Faults (VMOC < VCS < VSOC):
Once SiP11206 has completed a normal soft-start cycle, VSS
will be clamped at 4.5 V, allowing the maximum possible duty
cycle on DL and DH.
Document Number: 69232
S-81795-Rev. C, 04-Aug-08