Microchip provides the basic design tools needed for
the MCP616/7/8/9 family of op amps.
5.1 SPICE Macro Model
The latest SPICE macro model for the MCP616/7/8/9
op amps is available on the Microchip web site at
www.microchip.com. This model is intended to be an
initial design tool that works well in the op amp’s linear
region of operation over the temperature range. See
the model file for information on its capabilities.
Bench testing is a very important part of any design and
cannot be replaced with simulations. Also, simulation
results using this macro model need to be validated by
comparing them to the data sheet specifications and
characteristic curves.
5.2 Mindi™ Circuit Designer &
Microchip’s Mindi™ Circuit Designer & Simulator aids
in the design of various circuits useful for active filter,
amplifier and power-management applications. It is a
free online circuit designer & simulator available from
the Microchip web site at www.microchip.com/mindi.
This interactive circuit designer & simulator enables
designers to quickly generate circuit diagrams,
simulate circuits. Circuits developed using the Mindi
Circuit Designer & Simulator can be downloaded to a
personal computer or workstation.
5.3 Microchip Advanced Part Selector
MAPS is a software tool that helps semiconductor
professionals efficiently identify Microchip devices that
fit a particular design requirement. Available at no cost
from the Microchip website at www.microchip.com/
maps, the MAPS is an overall selection tool for
Microchip’s product portfolio that includes Analog,
Memory, MCUs and DSCs. Using this tool you can
define a filter to sort features for a parametric search of
devices and export side-by-side technical comparasion
reports. Helpful links are also provided for Datasheets,
Purchase, and Sampling of Microchip parts.
5.4 Analog Demonstration and
Evaluation Boards
Microchip offers a broad spectrum of Analog
Demonstration and Evaluation Boards that are
designed to help you achieve faster time to market. For
a complete listing of these boards and their
corresponding user’s guides and technical information,
visit the Microchip web site at www.microchip.com/
Two of our boards that are especially useful are:
Evaluation Board
Evaluation Board
5.5 Application Notes
The following Microchip Application Notes are avail-
able on the Microchip web site at www.microchip. com/
appnotes and are recommended as supplemental
reference resources.
ADN003: “Select the Right Operational Amplifier for
your Filtering Circuits”, DS21821
AN722: “Operational Amplifier Topologies and DC
Specifications”, DS00722
AN723: “Operational Amplifier AC Specifications and
Applications”, DS00723
AN884: “Driving Capacitive Loads With Op Amps”,
AN990: “Analog Sensor Conditioning Circuits – An
Overview”, DS00990
These application notes and others are listed in the
design guide:
“Signal Chain Design Guide”, DS21825
© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.
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