2. Command Descriptions
• Command 0 (VRAM write address setting)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
0 0 0 0 AY3 AY2 AY1 AY0 FL 0
0 AX4 AX3 AX2 AX1 AX0
AY3-AY0 : Row address (0H-FH)
AX4-AX0 : Column address (0H-1FH)
FL : VRAM fill (0 : Off, 1 : On)
This command sets the VRAM write address and turns VRAM fill on or off.
It is used to make row/column address settings before setting character data (issuing commands 1, 2) or to
make row address settings before setting line control data (issuing commands 3, 4) .
VRAM fill is activated by executing the character data setting 2 (command 2) .
[Additional information]
• For normal write operation (writing 1 character data or 1 row control data) the VRAM fill setting should be “Off”
(FL = 0) .
• VRAM write address settings entered using this command are automatically incremented after each execution
of the character data setting 2 command (command 2) . (After the last column the address increment is to the
first column of the next row, and after the last column of the last row the address increment is to the first column
of the first row.)
• The VRAM fill function is a function that sets the same character data specified by the character data command
setting 1, 2 (command 1, 2) to character VRAM starting from the row and column address specified by command
0 to the final row (row 16) and final column (column 32) . The VRAM fill function is activated by the execution
of the character data setting 2 command (command 2) .
• During activation and execution of VRAM fill, the BUSY pin outputs an H level signal.
• During VRAM fill execution, do not issue commands 1-4.
• During row control data setting (command 3, 4) the column address (AX4-AX0) is ignored. Also, the address
is not incremented automatically after row control data setting.
• The VRAM fill setting is effective only during character data setting (command 1, 2) .