Operation of the MASW-004100-1193 PIN Switch
Operation of the MASW-004100-1193 PIN switch is achieved by the simultaneous application of negative DC current
to the low loss port and positive DC current to the remaining isolated switching ports as shown in Figure 1. The
backside area of the die is the RF and DC return ground plane. The DC return is achieved on the common port, J1.
The DC control currents should be supplied by constant current source. The voltages at these points will not exceed
±1.5 volts (1.2 volts typical) for supply currents up to ±20 mA. In the low loss state, the series diode must be forward
biased and the shunt diode reverse biased. For all the isolated ports, the shunt diode is forward biased and the series
diode is reverse biased. The bias network design should yield > 30 dB RF to DC isolation.
Best insertion loss, P1dB, IP3, and switching speed are achieved by using a voltage pull-up resistor in the DC return
path, (J1 ). A minimum value of |-2V| is recommended at this return node, which is achievable with a standard,
±5V TTL controlled PIN diode driver. A typical DC bias schematic for 2-18 GHz Operation is shown in Figure 1.
2 – 18 GHz Bias Network
39 pF
100 Ω
22 pF
DC Bias
39 pF
HMIC Switch Die
22 pF
Fig. 1