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M36W432 Datasheet PDF : 57 Pages
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M36W432T, M36W432B
Read Electronic Signature Command. The
Read Electronic Signature command reads the
Manufacturer and Device Codes and the Block
Locking Status, or the Protection Register.
The Read Electronic Signature command consists
of one write cycle, a subsequent read will output
the Manufacturer Code, the Device Code, the
Block Lock and Lock-Down Status, or the Protec-
tion and Lock Register. See Tables 4, 5 and 6 for
the valid address.
Read CFI Query Command. The Read Query
Command is used to read data from the Common
Flash Interface (CFI) Memory Area, allowing pro-
gramming equipment or applications to automati-
cally match their interface to the characteristics of
the device. One Bus Write cycle is required to is-
sue the Read Query Command. Once the com-
mand is issued subsequent Bus Read operations
read from the Common Flash Interface Memory
Area. See Appendix B, Common Flash Interface,
Tables 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 for details on the
information contained in the Common Flash Inter-
face memory area.
Block Erase Command. The Block Erase com-
mand can be used to erase a block. It sets all the
bits within the selected block to ’1’. All previous
data in the block is lost. If the block is protected
then the Erase operation will abort, the data in the
block will not be changed and the Status Register
will output the error.
Two Bus Write cycles are required to issue the
s The first bus cycle sets up the Erase command.
s The second latches the block address in the
internal state machine and starts the Program/
Erase Controller.
If the second bus cycle is not Write Erase Confirm
(D0h), Status Register bits b4 and b5 are set and
the command aborts.
Erase aborts if Reset turns to VIL. As data integrity
cannot be guaranteed when the Erase operation is
aborted, the block must be erased again.
During Erase operations the memory will accept
the Read Status Register command and the Pro-
gram/Erase Suspend command, all other com-
mands will be ignored. Typical Erase times are
given in Table 7, Program, Erase Times and Pro-
gram/Erase Endurance Cycles.
See Appendix C, Figure 28, Erase Flowchart and
Pseudo Code, for a suggested flowchart for using
the Erase command.
Program Command. The memory array can be
programmed word-by-word. Two bus write cycles
are required to issue the Program Command.
s The first bus cycle sets up the Program
s The second latches the Address and the Data to
be written and starts the Program/Erase
During Program operations the memory will ac-
cept the Read Status Register command and the
Program/Erase Suspend command. Typical Pro-
gram times are given in Table 7, Program, Erase
Times and Program/Erase Endurance Cycles.
Programming aborts if Reset goes to VIL. As data
integrity cannot be guaranteed when the program
operation is aborted, the block containing the
memory location must be erased and repro-
See Appendix C, Figure 25, Program Flowchart
and Pseudo Code, for the flowchart for using the
Program command.
Double Word Program Command. This feature
is offered to improve the programming throughput,
writing a page of two adjacent words in paral-
lel.The two words must differ only for the address
A0. Programming should not be attempted when
VPPF is not at VPPH. The command can be execut-
ed if VPPF is below VPPH but the result is not guar-
Three bus write cycles are necessary to issue the
Double Word Program command.
s The first bus cycle sets up the Double Word
Program Command.
s The second bus cycle latches the Address and
the Data of the first word to be written.
s The third bus cycle latches the Address and the
Data of the second word to be written and starts
the Program/Erase Controller.
Read operations output the Status Register con-
tent after the programming has started. Program-
ming aborts if Reset goes to VIL. As data integrity
cannot be guaranteed when the program opera-
tion is aborted, the block containing the memory
location must be erased and reprogrammed.
See Appendix C, Figure 26, Double Word Pro-
gram Flowchart and Pseudo Code, for the flow-
chart for using the Double Word Program
Clear Status Register Command. The Clear
Status Register command can be used to reset
bits 1, 3, 4 and 5 in the Status Register to ‘0’. One
bus write cycle is required to issue the Clear Sta-
tus Register command.
The bits in the Status Register do not automatical-
ly return to ‘0’ when a new Program or Erase com-
mand is issued. The error bits in the Status
Register should be cleared before attempting a
new Program or Erase command.

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