(2) Address 12116
DA Register
0 PTC0 0 P0 output (port P0).
1 BLNK output
1 PTC1 0 P1 output (port P1).
1 CO0 output
2 PTC2 0 P2 output (port P2).
1 CO1 output
3 PTC3 0 P3 output (port P3).
1 CO2 output
4 PTC4 0 P4 output (port P4).
1 CO3 output
5 PTC5 0 P5 output (port P5).
1 CO4 output
6 PTC6 0 P6 output (port P6).
1 CO5 output
7 PTC7 0 P7 output (port P7).
1 CO6 output
8 PTD0 0 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the BLNK signal output, it is negative polarity.
1 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the BLNK signal output, it is negative polarity.
9 PTD1 0 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO0 signal output, it is negative polarity.
1 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO0 signal output, it is negative polarity.
A PTD2 0 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO1 signal output, it is negative polarity.
1 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO1 signal output, it is negative polarity.
B PTD3 0 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO2 signal output, it is negative polarity.
1 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO2 signal output, it is negative polarity.
C PTD4 0 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO3 signal output, it is negative polarity.
1 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO3 signal output, it is negative polarity.
D PTD5 0 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO4 signal output, it is negative polarity.
1 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO4 signal output, it is negative polarity.
E PTD6 0 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO5 signal output, it is negative polarity.
1 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO5 signal output, it is negative polarity.
F PTD7 0 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO6 signal output, it is negative polarity.
1 At the port output, it is "L" fixed. At the CO6 signal output, it is negative polarity.
10 TEST11 0 Set it as "0" at the time of the internal clock mode.
1 Set it as "0" at the time of the external clock mode1, 2.
11 TEST12 0 Fix to "0".
1 Can not be used.
0 Fix to "0".
1 Can not be used.
0 Fix to "0".
1 Can not be used.
0 Fix to "0".
1 Can not be used.
0 Fix to "0".
1 Can not be used.
0 Fix to "0".
1 Can not be used.
0 Fix to "0".
1 Can not be used.
Note: The mark around the status value means the reset status by the "L" level is input to AC pin.
P0 pin output control.
P1 pin output control.
P2 pin output control.
P3 pin output control.
P4 pin output control.
P5 pin output control.
P6 pin output control.
P7 pin output control.
P0 pin data control.
P1 pin data control.
P2 pin data control.
P3 pin data control.
P4 pin data control.
P5 pin data control.
P6 pin data control.
P7 pin data control.