VIN, CPO Capacitor Selection
The value and type of capacitors used with the LTC3214
determine several important parameters such as regulator
control loop stability, output ripple, charge pump strength
and minimum start-up time.
To reduce noise and ripple, it is recommended that low
equivalent series resistance (ESR) ceramic capacitors be
used for both CVIN and CCPO. Tantalum and aluminum ca-
pacitors are not recommended because of their high ESR.
The value of CCPO directly controls the amount of output
ripple for a given load current. Increasing the size of CCPO
will reduce the output ripple at the expense of higher start-
up current. The peak-to-peak output ripple for 1.5x mode
is approximately given by the expression:
where fOSC is the LTC3214’s oscillator frequency (typically
900kHz) and CCPO is the output storage capacitor.
Both the style and value of the output capacitor can sig-
nificantly affect the stability of the LTC3214. As shown in
the Block Diagram, the LTC3214 uses a control loop to
adjust the strength of the charge pump to match the cur-
rent required at the output. The error signal of this loop
is stored directly on the output charge storage capacitor.
The charge storage capacitor also serves as the dominant
pole for the control loop. To prevent ringing or instability,
it is important for the output capacitor to maintain at least
3μF of actual capacitance over all conditions.
Likewise, excessive ESR on the output capacitor will tend
to degrade the loop stability of the LTC3214. To prevent
poor load transient response and instability, the ESR of the
output capacitor should be kept below 50mΩ. Multilayer
ceramic chip capacitors typically have exceptional ESR
performance. MLCCs combined with a tight board layout
will yield very good stability. As the value of CCPO controls
the amount of output ripple, the value of CVIN controls the
amount of ripple present at the input pin (VIN). The input
current to the LTC3214 will be relatively constant while
the charge pump is on either the input charging phase or
the output charging phase but will drop to zero during the
clock nonoverlap times. Since the nonoverlap time is small
(~15ns), these missing “notches” will result in only a small
perturbation on the input power supply line. Note that a
higher ESR capacitor such as tantalum will have higher
input noise due to the input current change times the ESR.
Therefore, ceramic capacitors are again recommended for
their exceptional ESR performance. Input noise can be
further reduced by powering the LTC3214 through a very
small series inductor as shown in Figure 3. A 10nH induc-
tor will reject the fast current notches, thereby presenting
a nearly constant current load to the input power supply.
For economy, the 10nH inductor can be fabricated on the
PC board with about 1cm (0.4") of PC board trace.
3214 F03
Figure 3. 10nH Inductor Used for Input Noise Reduction
(Approximately 1cm of Wire)
Flying Capacitor Selection
Warning: Polarized capacitors such as tantalum or
aluminum should never be used for the flying capaci-
tors since their voltage can reverse upon start-up of the
LTC3214. Ceramic capacitors should always be used for
the flying capacitors.
The flying capacitors control the strength of the charge
pump. In order to achieve the rated output current it is
necessary to have at least 1.6μF of actual capacitance
for each of the flying capacitors. Capacitors of different
materials lose their capacitance with higher temperature
and voltage at different rates. For example, a ceramic
capacitor made of X7R material will retain most of its
capacitance from –40°C to 85°C whereas a Z5U or Y5V
style capacitor will lose considerable capacitance over
that range. Z5U and Y5V capacitors may also have a very
poor voltage coefficient causing them to lose 60% or more
of their capacitance when the rated voltage is applied.
Therefore, when comparing different capacitors, it is often
more appropriate to compare the amount of achievable
capacitance for a given case size rather than comparing
the specified capacitance value. For example, over rated
voltage and temperature conditions, a 1μF, 10V, Y5V