more positive than COMP LOW. These two inputs are
unbuffered supply pins, so the sources driving these pins
must provide adequate current for the expected load. COMP
HIGH and COMP LOW typically connect to the power
supplies of the logic device driven by the comparator outputs.
The “Truth Table” for Receivers is on page 3. Receiver outputs
are not tri-statable, and do not incorporate any on-chip short
circuit current protection. Momentary short circuits to GND, or
any supply voltage, won’t cause permanent damage, but care
must be taken to avoid longer duration short circuits. If
tolerable to the application, current limiting resistors can be
inserted in series with the QA(0 to 3) and QB(0 to 3) Outputs
to protect the receiver outputs from damage due to
overcurrent conditions.
Driver Features
The drivers are single ended outputs featuring a wide
voltage range, an output stage capable of delivering 200mA
while providing a low out resistance and tri-state capability.
Additionally, the driver output can be toggled to drive one of
two user defined output levels High (VH) or Low (VL).
Driver waveforms are greatly affected by load
characteristics. The ISL55100A actually double bonds the
VH(0 to 3) and VL(0 to 3) supply pins for each channel. The
Driver Output Pins (DOUT(0 to 3)) are triple bonded. Multiple
bond wires help reduce the effects of Inductance between
the IC Die (Wafer) and the packaging. Also the QFN style of
packaging reduces inductance over other types of
While the inductance of a bond wire might seem
insignificant, it can reduce high-frequency waveform fidelity.
Therefore, this should be borne in mind when doing PCB
layout and DUT interconnect. Lead lengths should be kept
as short as possible, maintaining as much decoupling on the
drive rails as possible and make sure scope measurements
are made properly. Often the inductance of a scope probe
ground can be the actual cause of the waveform distortion.
VH and VL (Driver Output Rails)
There are sets of VH and VL pins designated for each driver.
These are unbuffered analog inputs that determine the Drive
High (VH) and Drive Low (VL) Voltages that the drivers will
deliver. These inputs are double bonded to reduce
inductance and decrease AC Impedance.
Each VH and VL should be decoupled with 4.7µF and 0.1µF
capacitors to ground. If all four VH/VLs are bussed per
device then one 4.7µF can be used for multiple VH/VL pins.
Layouts should also accommodate the placement of
capacitance “across” VH and VL. So in addition to
decoupling the VH/VL pins to ground, they are also
decoupled to each other.
Logic Inputs
The ISL55100A uses differential mode digital inputs, and can
therefore mate directly with LVDS or CML outputs.
Single-ended logic families are handled by connecting one
of the digital input pins to an appropriate threshold voltage
(e.g., 1.4V for TTL compatibility).
LOWSWING Circuit Option
The drivers include switchable circuitry that is optimized for
either low (VH - VL < 3V) or high output swings, and this
selection is accomplished via the LOWSWING pin.
Connecting LOWSWING to VEE selects the circuits
optimized for low overshoots at low swings, while tying the
pin VCC enables the large signal circuitry (see Figure 7)
With LOWSWING = VEE, the low swing circuitry activates
whenever VH < VEE + 5V, and the VH and VL currents
increase, so for the lowest power dissipation set
LOWSWING = VEE only if the output swing (VH - VL) is less
than 3V, and better than 10% overshoots are required.
For the best small signal performance, the VH/VL common
mode voltage [(VH + VL)/2] must be VEE + 1.5V. So if
VEE = 0V, and the desired swing is 500mV, set VH = 1.75V,
and VL = 1.25V.
Driver and Receiver Overload Protection
The ISL55100A is designed to provide minimum and
balanced Driver ROUT. Great care should be taken when
making use of the ISL55100A low ROUT drivers as there is
no internal protection. There is no short circuit protection
built into either the driver or the receiver/comparator outputs.
Also there are no junction temperature monitors or thermal
shutdown features.
The driver or receiver outputs may be damaged by more
than a momentary short circuit directly to any low impedance
voltage. If included, a 50Ω Series Termination Resistor
provides suitable driver protection, but should be properly
External Logic Supply Option (VEXT)
Connection of the VEXT Pin to a 5.5V DC Source
(Referenced to VEE) will reduce the VCC - VEE current drain.
Current drain is directly proportional to Data Rate. This
option will help with Power Supply/Dissipation should heat
distribution become an issue.
Power Supply Bypassing and Printed Circuit
Board Layout
As with any high frequency device, good printed circuit
board layout is necessary for optimum performance. Ground
plane construction is highly recommended, lead lengths
should be as short as possible, and the power supply pins
must be well bypassed to reduce the risk of oscillation. For
normal single supply operation, where the VEE pin is
connected to ground, one 0.1µF ceramic capacitor should be
placed from the VCC pin to ground. A 4.7µF tantalum
capacitor should then be connected from the VCC pin to
ground. This same capacitor combination should be placed
at each supply pin to ground if split supplies are to be used.
November 24, 2008