It is necessary to have some low ESR capacitors at the input
to the converter. These capacitors deliver current when the
high side MOSFET switches on. Because of the interleaving,
the number of such capacitors required is greatly reduced
from that required for a single-phase buck converter. Figure
2 shows 3 x 1500µF, but the exact number required will vary
with the output voltage and current, according to the formula
Irms = I--o-2--u---t 2D – 4D2
for the two phase FAN5090, where D is the duty cycle
(Vout / Vin). Capacitor ripple current rating is a function of
temperature, and so the manufacturer should be contacted to
find out the ripple current rating at the expected operational
PCB Layout Guidelines
• Placement of the MOSFETs relative to the FAN5090 is
critical. Place the MOSFETs so that the trace length of the
HDRV and LDRV pins of the FAN5090 to the FET gates
is minimized. A long lead length on these pins will cause
high amounts of ringing due to the inductance of the trace
and the gate capacitance of the FET. This noise radiates
throughout the board, and, because it is switching at such
a high voltage and frequency, it is very difficult to
• In general, all of the noisy switching lines should be kept
away from the quiet analog section of the FAN5090. That
is, traces that connect to pins LDRV, HDRV, SW, BOOT,
and PGND should be kept far away from the traces that
connect to pins 1 through 7, and pins 18-24.
• Place the decoupling capacitors as close to the FAN5090
pins as possible. Extra lead length on these reduces their
ability to suppress noise.
• Each power and ground pin should have its own via to the
appropriate plane. This helps provide isolation between
• Place the MOSFETs, inductor, and Schottky of a given
phase as close together as possible for the same reasons as
in the first bullet above. Place the input bulk capacitors as
close to the drains of the high side MOSFETs as possible.
Placing a 1.0µF decoupling cap directly on the drain of
each high side MOSFET helps to suppress some of the
high frequency switching noise on the input of the DC-
DC converter.
• Place the output bulk capacitors as close to the CPU as
possible to optimize their ability to supply instantaneous
current to the load in the event of a current transient.
Additional space between the output capacitors and the
CPU will allow the parasitic resistance of the board traces
to degrade the DC-DC converter’s performance under
severe load transient conditions, causing higher voltage
PC Motherboard Sample Layout and Gerber File
A reference design for motherboard implementation of the
FAN5090 along with the PCAD layout Gerber file and silk
screen can be obtained through your local Fairchild repre-
FAN5090 Evaluation Board
Fairchild provides an evaluation board to verify the system
level performance of the FAN5090. It serves as a guide to
performance expectations when using the supplied external
components and PCB layout. Please contact your local
Fairchild representative for an evaluation board.
Additional Information
For additional information contact your local Fairchild
REV. 1.0.1 9/16/03