An LCD monitor is designed for users to get higher image quality and in the mean-time less power
consumption than CRT monitor. Usually, an LCD monitor system is composed of a conversion board
and a display panel. The conversion board is for input signal processing and for output format
display, and the display panel performs different resolution according to input signal resolution set by
the user.
The conversion board is composed of several functional components, and it can process the RGB
signals from a PC VGA card or processes the digital (or video) signal from other sources and then
output the processed data to the display panel in various data formats. The major components of the
conversion board are ADC, PLL, SCALAR, OSD, and output formatter (specially designed to include
a DSP). The digital image market has long been looking for a solution which can have a RGB input
processing capability and here comes the EL7300.
The EL7300 is a highly integrated single chip solution for the Flat Panel Display applications. A triple-
channel ADC, two PLL circuits, one internal OSD, the most advanced scaling engine, and the
sophisticated filters are all built in EL7300. An analog input port has been implemented to EL7300 in
addition to the digital port, which supports the digital or video input.
The EL7300 contains three high resolution and high quality ADCs with low power consumption. It
can directly capture RGB graphics signal from PCs and/or workstations, and through the use of the
internal PLL such signals will then be converted to 8-bit digital data per channel. (EL7300 is designed
to have two independent sets of PLL circuits, the internal PLLs provide for ADC's sampling clock and
the panel clock.) The output frequencies range up to the resolution of SXGA with very small jitter
(typically equal to 800ps).
A 128K-bit SRAM for OSD bitmap memory has been built in EL7300. The maximum resolution is up
to 32K pixels in 16 colors or 64K pixels in 4 colors. Theoretically, the user can create any type of
shapes, fonts, or logos for OSD windows.
To ensure the highest image quality can always be seen on the LCD, the EL7300 performs advanced
interpolation algorithm and programmable filters by offering sets of parameters for different images.
The digital input port can connect with a video decoder or with a TMDS receiver, and the image can
be shown in a full screen image.