voltages greater than the supply voltage should be avoided
to prevent damages to the input stage.
Input Slew Rate
Most high speed comparators oscillate when the voltage of
one of the inputs is close to or equal to the voltage on the
other input due to noise or undesirable feedback. For clean
output waveform, the input must meet certain minimum slew
rate requirements. In some applications, it may be helpful to
apply some positive feedback (hysteresis) between the
output and the positive input. The hysteresis effectively
causes one comparator's input voltage to move quickly past
the other, thus taking the input out of the region where
oscillation occurs. For the EL5283, the propagation delay
increases when the input slew rate increases for low
overdrive voltages. With high overdrive voltages, the
propagation delay does not change much with the input slew
Latch Pin Dynamics
The EL5283 contains a “transparent” latch for each channel.
The latch pin is designed to be driven with either a TTL or
CMOS output. When the latch is connected to a logic high
level or left floating, the comparator is transparent and
immediately responds to the changes at the input terminals.
When the latch is switched to a logic low level, the
comparator output latches remains latched to its value just
before the latch high-to-low transition. To guarantee data
retention, the input signal must remain the same state at
least 1ns (hold time) after the latch goes low and at least 2ns
(setup time) before the latch goes low. When the latch goes
high, the new data will appear at the output in approximately
6ns (latch propagation delay).
Power Dissipation
When switching at high speeds, the comparator's drive
capability is limited by the rise in junction temperature
caused by the internal power dissipation. For reliable
operation, the junction temperature must be kept below
TJMAX (125°C).
An approximate equation for the device power dissipation is
as follows. Assume the power dissipation in the load is very
PDISS = (VS × IS + VSD × ISD ) × N
VS is the analog supply voltage from VS+ to VS-
IS is the analog quiescent supply current per comparator
VSD is the digital supply voltage from VSD to ground
ISD is the digital supply current per comparator
N is the number of comparators in the package
ISD strongly depends on the input switching frequency.
Please refer to the performance curve to choose the input
driving frequency. Having obtained the power dissipation,
the maximum junction temperature can be determined as
TMAX is the maximum ambient temperature
θJA is the thermal resistance of the package
Window Detector
If VIN is in the range of VREFL < VIN < VREFH, both outputs
go high and the input in range is high. If VIN is out of the
range set by VREFH and VREFL, the input in range is low.
Input In
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Intersil Corporation’s quality certifications can be viewed at www.intersil.com/design/quality
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For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see www.intersil.com