April 1998
8-Bit Up/Down Counter
General Description
The ’LS469 is an 8-bit synchronous up/down counter with
parallel load and hold capability. Three function-select inputs
(LD, UD, CBI) provide one of four operations which occur
synchronously on the rising edge of the clock (CK).
The LOAD operation loads the inputs (D7–D0) into the output
register (Q7–Q0). The HOLD operation holds the previous
value regardless of clock transitions. The INCREMENT op-
eration adds one to the output register when the carry-in in-
put is TRUE (CBI =LOW), otherwise the operation is a
HOLD. The carry-out (CBO) is TRUE (CBO =LOW) when
the output register (Q7–Q0) is all HIGHs, otherwise FALSE
(CBO =HIGH). The DECREMENT operation subtracts one
from the output register when the borrow-in input is TRUE
(CBI =LOW), otherwise the operation is a HOLD. The
borrow-out (CBO) is TRUE (CBO =LOW) when the output
register (Q7–Q0) is all LOWs, otherwise FALSE (CBO
The output register (Q7–Q0) is enabled when OE is LOW,
and disabled (HI-Z) when OE is HIGH. The output drivers will
sink the 24 mA required for many bus-interface standards.
Two or more ’LS469 octal up/down counters may be cas-
caded to provide larger counters.
n 8-bit up/down counter for microprogram-counter, DMA
controller and general-purpose counting applications
n 8 bits matches byte boundaries
n Bus-structured pinout
n 24-pin SKINNYDIP saves space
n 3-STATE outputs drive bus lines
n Low current PNP inputs reduce loading
n Expandable in 8-bit increments
Connection Diagram
Top View
Standard Test Load
Order Number DM54LS469J,
DM74LS469J or DM74LS469N
See Package Number J24F or N24C
© 1998 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS008333