All reads and writes to the BTL are identical to read / write to the main RAM. The address
locations are the same. The only difference is that the BTL circuitry will intercept those read
/ writes and store them in the buffer instead. The user accesses the same locations as if they
would if they were directly accessing the main RAM.
The block transfer logic may also be configured by writing to certain address locations
providing NENBTL is selected, ie.
0 1 00 02
0 1 00 03
0 1 00 04
0 1 00 05
Disable Read
Disable Read
Enable Read
Enable Read
Disable Write
Enable Write
Disable Write
Enable Write
Reset will enable both Write and Read.
The Write BTL Logic basically stores all writes to a particular subaddress in the buffer until
the subsystem has completed the entire subaddress update. When the subsystem has
finished, the BTL will generate a burst DMA from the BTL to main RAM in one contiguous
transfer. This guarantees that the entire subaddress is updated. Until the DMA transfer the
BTL buffer allows the main RAM to be free for updates from the 1553 data bus.
The user must write data to the device in a specific sequence starting with the first word for
transmission in the n-1 location and ending with the last word for transmission in location 00
of the subaddress. The BTL will sense the write to location 00 and initiate the DMA
1. Data for one message is written to the 32 word buffer memory at any speed by the
subsystem. The first word for transmission is written first to the n-1 location and the last
word for transmission is written last to the 00 location of the subaddress.
2. The address of the first word is stored in a register / counter within the "block transfer
3. The last word for transmission is always written to location zero, this will trigger the
transfer of data from the 32 word buffer memory to the main memory. Data is transferred
at the rate of 250 nS per word. A full 32 word transfer will take approximately 8 uS.
4. If the 1553 is quiet the entire message will immediately be transferred in a single burst to
the main memory, the address being generated by the counter within the block transfer
logic. During this transfer the subsystem will be locked out via NACK from any new
5. If the 1553 DMA transfer to the main RAM becomes active during the burst transfer, the
transfer will complete and then be locked out of any new updates until the 1553 is
complete. However the BTL buffer memory will be accessible to the subsystem at this
6. If the 1553 DMA transfer to the main RAM becomes active before the start of the burst
transfer, the transfer will be locked out (after location zero is written to) until the 1553 is
complete. The sub system will be locked out during this time (main ram being accessed
Released 9/98