CS5336, CS5338, CS5339
greater than 10 µF, as stated in the "Power-Up
Considerations" section.
During the offset calibration cycle, the digital sec-
tion of the part measures and stores the value of
the calibration input of each channel in registers.
The calibration input value is subtracted from all
future outputs. The calibration input may be ob-
tained from either the analog input pins (AINL
and AINR) or the zero pins (ZEROL and
ZEROR) depending on the state of the ACAL pin.
With ACAL low, the analog input pin voltages are
measured, and with ACAL high, the zero pin volt-
ages are measured.
As shown in Figure 6, the DCAL output is high
during calibration, which takes 4096 L/R clock
cycles. If DCAL is connected to the ACAL input,
the calibration routine will measure the voltage on
ZEROR and ZEROL. These should be connected
directly to ground or through a network matched
to that present on the analog input pins. Internal
offsets of each channel will thus be measured and
subsequently subtracted.
Alternatively, ACAL may be permanently con-
nected low and DCAL utilized to control a
multiplexer which grounds the user’s front end.
In this case, the calibration routine will measure
and store not only the internal offsets but also
any offsets present in the front end input circuitry.
During calibration, the digital output of both
channels is forced to a 2’s complement zero. Sub-
traction of the calibration input from conversions
after calibration substantially reduces any
power on click that might otherwise be experi-
enced. A short delay of approximately 40 output
words will occur following calibration for the
digital filter to begin accurately tracking audio
band signals.
Power-up Considerations
Upon initial application of power to the supply
pins, the data in the calibration registers will be
indeterminate. A calibration cycle should always
be initiated after application of power to replace
potentially large values of data in these registers
with the correct values.
The modulators settle very quickly (a matter of
microseconds) after the analog section is powered
on, either through the application of power, or by
exiting the power-down mode. The voltage refer-
ence can take a much longer time to reach a final
value due to the presence of large external capaci-
tance on the VREF pin; allow approximately
5 ms/µF. The calibration period is long enough to
allow the reference to settle for capacitor values of
up to 10 µF. If a larger capacitor is used, addi-
tional time between APD going low and DPD
going low should be allowed for VREF settling
before a calibration cycle is initiated.
Grounding and Power Supply Decoupling
As with any high resolution converter, the ADC
requires careful attention to power supply and
grounding arrangements if its potential perform-
ance is to be realized. Figure 1 shows the
recommended power arrangements, with VA+,
VA- and VL+ connected to a clean ± 5 V supply.
VD+, which powers the digital filter, may be run
from the system +5V logic supply, provided that
it is not excessively noisy (< ± 50 mV pk-to-pk).
Alternatively, VD+ may be powered from VA+ via
a ferrite bead. In this case, no additional devices
should be powered from VD+. Analog ground and
digital ground should be connected together near
to where the supplies are brought onto the printed
circuit board. Decoupling capacitors should be as
near to the ADC as possible, with the low value
ceramic capacitor being the nearest.
The printed circuit board layout should have sepa-
rate analog and digital regions and ground planes,