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Advanced Micro Devices 
AM79C32AJC Datasheet PDF : 101 Pages
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s Audio processing capability (DSC circuit only)
— Programmable sidetone level
— Registers for implementation of software-based
speaker phone algorithms
— Programmable DTMF, single tone, progress
tone, and ringer tone generation
— Dual audio inputs
— Earpiece and loudspeaker drivers
— Codec/filter with A/µ selection
— Programmable gain and equalization filters
— Programmable on-chip microphone amplifier
s Pin and software compatible with the
Am79C32A ISDN Data Controller (IDC™) Circuit.
The Am79C32A is used in data-only
The Am79C30A Digital Subscriber Controller (DSC)
Circuit and Am79C32A ISDN Data Controller (IDC) Cir-
cuit, shown in the Block Diagram, allow the realization
of highly-integrated Terminal Equipment for the ISDN.
The Am79C30A/32A is fully compatible with the
CCITT-I-series recommendations for the S and T refer-
ence points, ensuring that the user of the device may
design TEs which conform to the international stan-
The Am79C30A/32A provides a 192-Kbit/s full duplex
digital path over four wires between the TE located on
the subscriber's premises and the NT or PABX line-
card. All physical layer functions and procedures are
implemented in accordance with CCITT Recommen-
dation I.430, including framing, synchronization, main-
tenance, and multiple terminal contention. Both
point-to-point and point-to-multipoint configurations are
The Am79C30A/32A processes the ISDN basic rate bit
stream, which consists of B1 (64 Kbit/s), B2 (64 Kbit/s),
and D (16 Kbit/s) channels. The B channels are routed
to and from different sections of the Am79C30A/32A
under software control. The D channel is partially pro-
cessed by the DSC/IDC circuit and is passed to the mi-
croprocessor for further processing.
The Main Audio Processor (MAP) uses Digital Signal
Processing (DSP) to implement a high performance
codec/filter function. The MAP interface supports a
loudspeaker, an earpiece, and two separate audio in-
puts. Programmable on-chip gain is provided to sim-
plify use of low output level microphones. The user may
alter frequency response and gain of the MAP receive
and transmit paths. Tone generators are included to im-
plement ringing, call progress, and DTMF signals.
A Peripheral Port (PP) is provided to allow the B chan-
nels to be routed off-chip for processing by other pe-
ripherals. This port is configurable as either an
industry-standard IOM-2 port, or as a serial bus port
The TE design process is simplified by the availability
of certified protocol software packages, which provide
complete system solutions through OSI Layer 3.
Am79C30A/32A Data Sheet

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