nominal value by the time 50ms has elasped then it is
recommended that a measurement be taken on the VDD
channel before a temperature measurement is taken.
Figure 9. Resistor String
If there is a buffered reference in the circuit , there is no
need to use the on-chip buffers. In unbuffered mode the
input impedance is still large at typically 90 kΩ per refer-
ence input for 0-VREF output mode and 45 kΩ for 0-2VREF
output mode.
The buffered/unbuffered option is controlled by the DAC
Configuration Register (address 1Bh, see data register
descriptions). The LDAC Configuration register controls
the option to select between internal and external voltage
references. The default setting is for external reference
Output Amplifier
The output buffer amplifier is capable of generating out-
put voltages to within 1mV of either rail. Its actual range
depends on the value of VREF, GAIN and offset error.
If a gain of 1 is selected (Bits 0-3 of DAC Configuration
register = 0) the output range is 0.001 V to VREF.
If a gain of 2 is selected (Bits 0-3 of DAC Configuration
register = 1) the output range is 0.001 V to 2VREF. How-
ever because of clamping the maximum output is limited
to VDD - 0.001V.
The output amplifier is capable of driving a load of 2kΩ
to GND or VDD, in parallel with 500pF to GND or VDD.
The source and sink capabilities of the output amplifier
can be seen in the plot in TPC 11.
The slew rate is 0.7V/µs with a half-scale settling time to
+/-0.5 LSB (at 8 bits) of 6µs.
On power-up it is important that no communication to the
part is initiated until 200ms after Vcc has settled. During
this 200ms the part is performing a calibration routine and
any communication to the device will interrupt this rou-
tine and could cause erroneous temperature measurements.
VDD must have settled to within 10% of it’s final value
after 50ms power-on time has elasped. Therefore once
power is applied to the ADT7316/17/18, it can be ad-
dressed 250ms later. If it not possible to have VDD at it’s
The ADT7316/7317/7318 contains a two-channel A to D
converter with special input signal conditioning to enable
operation with external and on-chip diode temperature
sensors. When the ADT7316/7317/7318 is operating nor-
mally, the A to D converter operates in a free-running
mode. When in Round Robin mode the analog input mul-
tiplexer sequently selects the VDD input channel, on-chip
temperature sensor to measure its internal temperature and
then the external temperature sensor. These signals are
digitized by the ADC and the results stored in the various
Value Registers.
The measured results are compared with the Internal and
External, THIGH, TLOW limits. These temperature limits are
stored in on-chip registers. If the temperature limits are
not masked out then any out of limit comparisons generate
flags that are stored in Interrupt Status 1 Register and one
or more out-of limit results will cause the INTERRUPT
output to pull either high or low depending on the output
polarity setting.
Theoretically, the temperature sensor and ADC can mea-
sure temperatures from -128oC to +127oC with a resolu-
tion of 0.25oC. However, temperatures outside TA are
outside the guaranteed operating temperature range of the
device. Temperature measurement from -128oC to
+127oC is possible using an external sensor.
Temperature measurement is initiated by three methods.
The first method is applicable when the part is in single
channel measurement mode. It uses an internal clock
countdown of 20ms and then a conversion is preformed.
The internal oscillator is the only circuit that’s powered
up between conversions and once it times out, every 20ms,
a wake-up signal is sent to power-up the rest of the cir-
cuitry. A monostable is activated at the beginning of the
wake-up signal to ensure that sufficient time is given to
the power-up process. The monostable typically takes 4 µs
to time out. It then takes typically 25µs for each conver-
sion to be completed. The temperature is measured 16
times and internally averaged to reduce noise. The total
time to measure a temperature channel is typically 400us
(25us x 16). The new temperature value is loaded into the
Temperature Value Register and ready for reading by the
I2C or SPI interface. The user has the option of disabling
the averaging by setting a bit (Bit 5) in the Control Con-
figuration Register 2 (address 19h). The ADT7316/7317/
7318 defaults on power-up with the averaging enabled.
Temperature measurement is also initiated after every read
or write to the part when the part is in single channel mea-
surement mode. Once serial communication has started,
any conversion in progress is stopped and the ADC reset.
Conversion will start again immediately after the serial
communication has finished. The temperature measure-
ment proceeds normally as described above.
The third method is applicable when the part is in round
robin measurement mode. The part measures both the