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ADSP-21469(Rev0) Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - Analog Devices

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ADSP-21469 Datasheet PDF : 72 Pages
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of memory devices including SRAM, Flash, and EPROM, as well
as I/O devices that interface with standard memory control
lines. Bank 0 occupies a 2M word window and banks 1, 2, and 3
occupy a 4M word window in the processor’s address space but,
if not fully populated, these windows are not made contiguous
by the memory controller logic.
External Port Throughput
The throughput for the external port, based on a 400 MHz
clock, is 66M bytes/s for the AMI and 800M bytes/s for DDR2.
Link Ports
Two 8-bit wide link ports can connect to the link ports of other
DSPs or peripherals. Link ports are bidirectional ports having
eight data lines, an acknowledge line, and a clock line. Link
ports can operate at a maximum frequency of 166 MHz.
The ADSP-21469 automotive model has a MLB interface which
allows the processor to function as a media local bus device. It
includes support for both 3-pin and 5-pin media local bus pro-
tocols. It supports speeds up to 1024 FS (49.25 Mbits/sec,
FS = 48.1 kHz) and up to 31 logical channels, with up to 124
bytes of data per media local bus frame.
The MLB interface supports MOST25 and MOST50 data rates.
The isochronous mode of transfer is not supported.
Pulse-Width Modulation
The PWM module is a flexible, programmable, PWM waveform
generator that can be programmed to generate the required
switching patterns for various applications related to motor and
engine control or audio power control. The PWM generator can
generate either center-aligned or edge-aligned PWM wave-
forms. In addition, it can generate complementary signals on
two outputs in paired mode or independent signals in non-
paired mode (applicable to a single group of four PWM
waveforms). The PWM generator is capable of operating in two
distinct modes while generating center-aligned PWM wave-
forms: single update mode or double update mode.
The entire PWM module has four groups of four PWM outputs
each. Therefore, this module generates 16 PWM outputs in
total. Each PWM group produces two pairs of PWM signals on
the four PWM outputs.
Digital Applications Interface (DAI)
The digital applications interface (DAI) provides the ability to
connect various peripherals to any of the DAI pins
Programs make these connections using the signal routing unit
(SRU), shown in Figure 1 on Page 1.
The SRU is a matrix routing unit (or group of multiplexers) that
enables the peripherals provided by the DAI to be intercon-
nected under software control. This allows easy use of the DAI
associated peripherals for a much wider variety of applications
by using a larger set of algorithms than is possible with noncon-
figurable signal paths.
The DAI includes the peripherals described in the following
Serial Ports
The ADSP-21469 features eight synchronous serial ports that
provide an inexpensive interface to a wide variety of digital and
mixed-signal peripheral devices such as Analog Devices’
AD183x family of audio codecs, ADCs, and DACs. The serial
ports are made up of two data lines, a clock, and frame sync. The
data lines can be programmed to either transmit or receive and
each data line has a dedicated DMA channel.
Serial ports can support up to 16 transmit or 16 receive DMA
channels of audio data when all eight SPORTs are enabled, or
four full duplex TDM streams of 128 channels per frame.
The serial ports operate at a maximum data rate of fPCLK/4.
Serial port data can be automatically transferred to and from
on-chip memory/external memory via dedicated DMA chan-
nels. Each of the serial ports can work in conjunction with
another serial port to provide TDM support. One SPORT pro-
vides two transmit signals while the other SPORT provides the
two receive signals. The frame sync and clock are shared.
Serial ports operate in five modes:
• Standard DSP serial mode
• Multichannel (TDM) mode
• I2S mode
• Packed I2S mode
• Left-justified mode
S/PDIF-Compatible Digital Audio Receiver/Transmitter
The S/PDIF receiver/transmitter has no separate DMA chan-
nels. It receives audio data in serial format and converts it into a
biphase encoded signal. The serial data input to the receiver/
transmitter can be formatted as left justified, I2S or right justi-
fied with word widths of 16, 18, 20, or 24 bits.
The serial data, clock, and frame sync inputs to the S/PDIF
receiver/transmitter are routed through the signal routing unit
(SRU). They can come from a variety of sources, such as the
SPORTs, external pins, and the precision clock generators
(PCGs), and are controlled by the SRU control registers.
Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter
The asynchronous sample rate converter (ASRC) contains four
ASRC blocks, is the same core as that used in the AD1896 192
kHz stereo asynchronous sample rate converter, and provides
up to 128 dB SNR. The ASRC block is used to perform synchro-
nous or asynchronous sample rate conversion across
independent stereo channels, without using internal processor
resources. The four SRC blocks can also be configured to oper-
ate together to convert multichannel audio data without phase
mismatches. Finally, the ASRC can be used to clean up audio
data from jittery clock sources such as the S/PDIF receiver.
Rev. 0 | Page 8 of 72 | June 2010

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