OD going high. If this second latch is set, then OVP is
enabled. To clear the OVP or the input detected latch, VCC
must fall below UVLO.
Supply Capacitor Selection
For the supply input (VCC) of the ADP3121, a local
bypass capacitor is recommended to reduce the noise and to
supply some of the peak currents that are drawn. Use a
4.7 mF, low ESR capacitor. Multilayer ceramic chip
(MLCC) capacitors provide the best combination of low
ESR and small size. Keep the ceramic capacitor as close as
possible to the ADP3121.
Bootstrap Circuit
The bootstrap circuit uses a charge storage capacitor
(CBST) and a diode, as shown in Figure 1. These components
can be selected after the high−side MOSFET is chosen. The
bootstrap capacitor must have a voltage rating that can
handle twice the maximum supply voltage. A minimum
50 V rating is recommended. The capacitor values are
determined by
CBST1 ) CBST2 + 10
(eq. 1)
(eq. 2)
QGATE is the total gate charge of the high−side MOSFET at
VGATE is the desired gate drive voltage (usually in the range
of 5 V to 10 V, 7 V being typical).
VD is the voltage drop across D1.
Rearranging Equation 1 and Equation 2 to solve for CBST1
CBST1 + 10
CBST2 can then be found by rearranging Equation 1
CBST2 + 10
For example, an NTD60N02 has a total gate charge of
about 12 nC at VGATE = 7 V. Using VCC = 12 V and VD =
0.1 V, then CBST1 = 12 nF and CBST2 = 6.8 nF. Good quality
ceramic capacitors should be used.
RBST is used to limit slew rate and minimize ringing at the
switch node. It also provides peak current limiting through
D1. An RBST value of 1.5 W to 2.2 W is a good choice. The
resistor needs to handle at least 250 mW due to the peak
currents that flow through it.
A small signal diode can be used for the bootstrap diode
due to the ample gate drive voltage supplied by VCC. The
bootstrap diode must have a minimum 15 V rating to
withstand the maximum supply voltage. The average
forward current can be estimated by
(eq. 3)
where fMAX is the maximum switching frequency of the
The peak surge current rating should be calculated by
(eq. 4)
MOSFET Selection
When interfacing the ADP3121 to external MOSFETs,
the designer should consider ways to make a robust design
that minimizes stresses on both the driver and the
MOSFETs. These stresses include exceeding the short time
duration voltage ratings on the driver pins as well as the
external MOSFET.
It is also highly recommended to use the Boot−Snap
circuit to improve the interaction of the driver with the
characteristics of the MOSFETs. If a simple bootstrap
arrangement is used, make sure to include a proper snubber
network on the SW node.
High−Side (Control) MOSFETs
A high−side, high speed MOSFET is usually selected to
minimize switching losses (see the ADP3186 or ADP3188
data sheet for Flex−Mode controller details). This typically
implies a low gate resistance and low input
capacitance/charge device. Yet, a significant source lead
inductance can also exist that depends mainly on the
MOSFET package; it is best to contact the MOSFET vendor
for this information.
The ADP3121 DRVH output impedance and the input
resistance of the MOSFETs determine the rate of charge
delivery to the internal capacitance of the gate. This
determines the speed at which the MOSFETs turn on and off.
However, because of potentially large currents flowing in
the MOSFETs at the on and off times (this current is usually
larger at turn−off due to ramping up of the output current in
the output inductor), the source lead inductance generates a
significant voltage when the high−side MOSFETs switch
off. This creates a significant drain−source voltage spike
across the internal die of the MOSFETs and can lead to a
catastrophic avalanche. The mechanisms involved in this
avalanche condition are referenced in literature from the
MOSFET suppliers.
The MOSFET vendor should provide a rating for the
maximum voltage slew rate at drain current around which this
can be designed. Once this specification is obtained,
determine the maximum current expected in the MOSFET by
IMAX + IDC(per phase) ) (VCC * VOUT)
(eq. 5)
DMAX is determined for the VR controller being used with
the driver. This current is divided roughly equally between
MOSFETs if more than one is used (assume a worst−case
mismatch of 30% for design margin).
LOUT is the output inductor value.