High Speed, Low Power
Dual Op Amp
50 MHz Unity Gain Stable Operation
300 V/s Slew Rate
120 ns Settling Time
Drives Unlimited Capacitive Loads
0.04% Differential Gain @ 4.4 MHz
0.19؇ Differential Phase @ 4.4 MHz
2 mV max Input Offset Voltage
15 V/؇C Input Offset Voltage Drift
Available in Tape and Reel in Accordance with
EIA-481A Standard
Only 10 mA Total Supply Current for Both Amplifiers
؎5 V to ؎15 V Supplies
The AD827 is a dual version of Analog Devices’ industry-
standard AD847 op amp. Like the AD847, it provides high
speed, low power performance at low cost. The AD827 achieves
a 300 V/µs slew rate and 50 MHz unity-gain bandwidth while
consuming only 100 mW when operating from ± 5 volt power
supplies. Performance is specified for operation using ± 5 V to
± 15 V power supplies.
The AD827 offers an open-loop gain of 3,500 V/V into 500 Ω
loads. It also features a low input voltage noise of 15 nV/√Hz,
and a low input offset voltage of 2 mV maximum. Common-
mode rejection ratio is a minimum of 80 dB. Power supply
rejection ratio is maintained at better than 20 dB with input
frequencies as high as 1 MHz, thus minimizing noise
feedthrough from switching power supplies.
The AD827 is also ideal for use in demanding video applica-
tions, driving coaxial cables with less than 0.04% differential
gain and 0.19° differential phase errors for 643 mV p-p into a
75 Ω reverse terminated cable.
The AD827 is also useful in multichannel, high speed data
conversion systems where its fast (120 ns to 0.1%) settling time
is of importance. In such applications, the AD827 serves as an
input buffer for 8-bit to 10-bit A/D converters and as an output
amplifier for high speed D/A converters.
8-Pin Plastic (N) and Cerdip
(Q) Packages
16-Pin Small Outline
(R) Package
20-Pin LCC (E) Package
1. Performance is fully specified for operation using ± 5 V to
± 15 V supplies.
2. A 0.04% differential gain and 0.19° differential phase error at
the 4.4 MHz color subcarrier frequency, together with its low
cost, make it ideal for many video applications.
3. The AD827 can drive unlimited capacitive loads, while its
30 mA output current allows 50 Ω and 75 Ω reverse-
terminated loads to be driven.
4. The AD827’s 50 MHz unity-gain bandwidth makes it an
ideal candidate for multistage active filters.
5. The AD827 is available in 8-pin plastic mini-DIP and cerdip,
20-pin LCC, and 16-pin SOIC packages. Chips and MIL-
STD-883B processing are also available.
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its
use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties
which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 617/329-4700
Fax: 617/326-8703