LED Backlight Driver for LCD Monitors and Televisions
Functional Description
Overview The A8507 is a multi-output WLED/RGB controller
for backlighting medium-size displays. It has a integrated gate
driver for driving an external N-channel boost MOSFET. The
boost controller is fixed frequency current mode converter. The
switching frequency can be set in the range from 250 kHz to
1 MHz, by an external resistor, RFSET , connected between FSET
and ground.
The external MOSFET switch is protected by pulse-by-pulse cur-
rent limiting. The current limit is independent of duty cycle, and
is set using an external sense resistor, RSC.
The A8507 has six well-matched current sinks that provide regu-
lated current through the LEDs for uniform display brightness.
The boost converter is controlled by monitoring all LEDx pins
simultaneously and continuously.
LED Current Setting The maximum LED current can be set,
at up to 80 mA/channel, through the ISET pin. Connect a resistor,
RISET , between this pin and ground to set the reference current
level, ISET . The value of ISET (mA) is determined by:
ISET = 1.235 / RISET (kΩ) .
The resulting current is multiplied internally with a gain of 640
and mirrored on all enabled LEDx pins. This sets the maximum
current through each LEDx, referred as the 100% Current. The
LEDx current can be reduced from the 100% Current value by
applying an external PWM signal on the PWM pin.
Boost Switching Frequency Setting Connect an external
resistor between the FSET pin and GND, to set boost switching
frequency, fSW . The value of fSW (MHz) is determined by:
fSW = 52 / RFSET ,
where fSW is in MHz and RFSET is in kΩ.
Enable The IC turns on when a high signal is applied on the EN
pin, and turns off when this pin is pulled low.
PWM Dimming The A8507 has a very wide range for PWM
signal input. It can accept a PWM signal from 100 Hz to 5 kHz.
When a PWM high signal is applied, the LEDx pins sink
100% Current. When the PWM signal is low, the LED sinks
turn off.
Referring to figure 13, there is a ramp-up delay between when
the PWM signal is applied and when the current reaches the
90% level. To improve current dimming linearity for PWM pulse
widths less than 100 μs, increase the applied PWM pulse-width
by 3 μs to compensate for this delay.
Startup Sequence When EN is pulled high, the IC enters
soft start. The IC first tries to determine which LEDx pins are
being used, by raising the LEDx pin voltage with a small current.
After a duration of 512 switching cycles, the LEDx pin voltage
is checked. Any LEDx channel with a drain voltage smaller then
100 mV is removed from the control loop.
After the first PWM positive trigger, the boost current is limited
to 35% of normal value and all active LEDx pins sink 1/12 of
the set current until output voltage reaches sufficient regulation
level. When the device comes out of soft start, boost current and
the LEDx pin currents are set to normal operating level. Within
a few cycles, the output capacitor charges to the voltage required
to supply full LEDx current. After output voltage, VOUT , reaches
the required level, LEDx current toggles between 0% and 100%
with each PWM command signal.
In case of a heavy overload on VOUT at startup, the device will
stay in soft start mode indefinitely, as the output voltage cannot
rise to the LED regulation level.
LED Short Detect Any LEDx pins that have a voltage exceed-
ing the Short Circuit Detect Voltage, VSC , cause the device to
shut down and this condition is latched. This faults occurs when
multiple LEDs short. In case only a few LEDs short, the IC will
continue to work as long as power dissipation in the IC is limited.
Overvoltage Protection The A8507 has an adjustable over-
voltage protection feature to protect the external MOSFET
against output overvoltage. The overvoltage level can be set,
from 36 V to a higher voltage, with an external resistor, ROVP.
When the current though the OVP pin exceeds 240 μA, internal
OVP comparator goes high and the device shuts down. The OVP
Figure 13. Propagation delay from the PWM signal rising edge to ILEDx
reaching the 90% level
Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.
115 Northeast Cutoff
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A.
1.508.853.5000; www.allegromicro.com