78M6613 Data Sheet
1 Hardware Description
1.1 Hardware Overview
The Teridian 78M6613 single-chip measurement unit integrates all primary functional blocks required to
embed solid-state AC power and energy measurement. Included on chip are:
• An analog front end (AFE)
• An independent digital computation engine (CE)
• An 8051-compatible microprocessor (MPU) which executes one instruction per clock cycle (80515)
• A voltage reference
• A temperature sensor
• RAM and Flash memory
• A variety of I/O pins
Current sensor technologies supported include Current Transformers (CT) and Resistive Shunts.
In a typical application, the 32-bit compute engine (CE) of the 78M6613 sequentially processes the
samples from the voltage inputs on pins A0, A1, A2, A3 and performs calculations to measure active
energy (Wh), reactive energy (VARh), A2h, and V2h for four-quadrant measurement. These
measurements are then accessed by the MPU, processed further and output using the peripheral
interfaces available to the MPU.
In addition to the temperature-trimmed ultra-precision voltage reference, the on-chip digital temperature
compensation mechanism includes a temperature sensor and associated controls for correction of
unwanted temperature effects on measurement. Temperature dependent external components such as
crystal oscillator, current transformers (CTs), and their corresponding signal conditioning circuits can be
characterized and their correction factors can be programmed to produce measurements with
exceptional accuracy over the industrial temperature range, if desired.
A block diagram of the IC is shown in Figure 1. A detailed description of various functional blocks