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HSP45106JC-33 Datasheet PDF : 14 Pages
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Pin Descriptions (Continued)
Index Pin
Phase Modulation Select input. Registered on chip by CLK. This input determines the source of the data clocked
into the Phase Offset Register. When high, the Phase Input Register is selected. When low, the external
modulation pins (MOD(2:1)) control the three most significant bits of the Phase Offset Register and the 13 least
significant bits are set to zero.
Phase Accumulator Carry Input (active low). Registered on chip by CLK.
Initialize Timer Accumulator (active low). This input is registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked
onto chip, INITTAC enables the clocking of data into the Timer increment Register, and also zeroes the feedback
path in the Timer Accumulator.
Test Select Input. Registered on chip by CLK. This input is active high. When active, this input enables test busses
to the outputs instead of the sine and cosine data.
Parallel/Serial Output Select. This input is registered on chip by CLK. When low, the sine and cosine outputs are
in serial mode. The Output Shift Registers will load in new data after ENPHAC goes low and will start shifting the
data out after ENPHAC goes high. When this input is high, the Output Registers are loaded every clock and no
shifting takes place.
Format. This input is registered on chip by CLK. When low, the MSB of the SIN and COS are inverted to form an
offset binary (unsigned) number.
Three-state control for bits SIN(15:0). Outputs are enabled when OES is low.
Three-state control for bits COS(15:0). Outputs are enabled when OEC is low.
Timer Accumulator Carry Output. Active low, registered. This output goes low when a carry is generated by the
Timer Accumulator.
DAC Strobe (active low). In serial mode, this output will go low when the first bit of a new output word is valid at
the shift register output. This pin is active only in serial mode.
Sine Output Data. When parallel mode is enabled, data is output on SIN(15:0). When serial mode is enabled,
output data bits are shifted out of SIN15 and SIN0. The bit stream on SIN15 is provided MSB first while the bit
stream on SIN0 is provided LSB first.
Cosine Output Data. When parallel mode is enabled, data is output on COS(15:0). When serial mode is enabled,
output data bits are shifted out of COS15 and COS0. The bit stream on COS15 is provided MSB first while the bit
stream in COS0 is provided LSB first.
Used to align chip in socket or on circuit board. Must be left as a no connect in circuit. (CPGA Package only).
Functional Description
The 16-bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO16)
produces a digital complex sinusoid waveform whose
frequency and phase are controlled through a standard
microprocessor interface and discrete inputs. The NCO16
generates 16-bit sine and cosine vectors at a maximum
sample rate of 33MHz. The NCO16 can be preprogrammed
to produce a constant (CW) sine and cosine output for Direct
Digital Synthesis (DDS) applications. Alternatively, the
phase and frequency inputs can be updated in real time to
produce a FM, PSK, FSK, or MSK modulated waveform. To
simplify PSK generation, a 3 pin interface is provided to
support modulation of up to 8 levels.
As shown in Figure 1, the HSP45106 Block Diagram, the
NCO16 is comprised of a Phase and Frequency Control
Section (PFCS) and Sine/ Cosine Section. The PFCS stores
the phase and frequency control inputs and uses them to
calculate the phase angle of a rotating complex vector. The
Sine/Cosine Section performs a lookup on this phase and
generates the appropriate amplitude values for the sine and
cosine. These quadrature outputs may be configured as
serial or parallel with either two's complement or offset
binary format.
Phase/Frequency Control Section
The phase and frequency of the quadrature outputs are
controlled by the PFCS (Figure 1). The PFCS generates a
32-bit word which represents the instantaneous phase
(Sin/Cos argument) of the sine and cosine waves being
generated. This phase is incremented on the rising edge of
each CLK by the preprogrammed amounts in the phase and
Frequency Control Registers. As the instantaneous phase
steps from 0 through full scale (232 - 1), the phase of the
quadrature outputs proceeds from 0o around the unit circle
counter clockwise.
The PFCS is comprised of a Phase Accumulator Section,
Phase Offset adder, Input Section, and a Timer Accumulator
Section. The Phase Accumulator computes the
instantaneous phase angle from user programmed values in
the Center and Offset Frequency Registers. This angle is
then fed into the Phase Offset adder where it is offset by the
preprogrammed value in the Phase Offset Register. The Input
Section routes data from a microprocessor compatible control
bus and discrete input signals into the appropriate configuration
registers. The Timer Accumulator supplies a pulse to mark the
passage of a user programmed period of time.

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