Data Sheet
The VSC7173 device is available in a lead(Pb)-free package. VSC7173XYI is 32-pin leadless quad flat pack
(QFP-N) with an exposed pad.
Lead(Pb)-free products from Maxim comply with the temperatures and profiles defined in the joint IPC and JEDEC
standard IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020. For more information, see the IPC and JEDEC standard.
Table 15. VSC7173 Ordering Information
Part Number
Lead(Pb)-free 32-pin QFP-N, 7 mm x 7 mm x 0.9 mm body
Maxim Integrated Products
120 San Gabriel Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
United States
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Revision 4.1
May 23, 2005