3.3 VDD Monitor
The TC3401 RESET output is in high impedance
provided the voltage at VTH is greater than the internal
voltage reference. This reference is approximately the
same value as the voltage appearing at REFOUT. When
VTH is less than the internal reference, RESET is pulled
low. When VTH rises above the internal reference
voltage again, RESET is held low for the reset active
time-out period, t9, before being released. The RESET
output is ensured to be valid for VDD = 1.3V to 5.5V.
When used to generate a Power-on or Brown-out
Reset, an external resistor network is required to divide
the appropriate VDD threshold down to 1.23V at the
VTH input, (See the Typical Application circuit). For
example, to generate a POR for a VDD at 3V -10%, the
values of R1 and R2 should be 137kΩ and 115kΩ
Since RESET is an open drain, it can be wired-OR’ed
with another open drain or external switch if desired.
3.4 Power Fail Detector
The Power Fail detector is a comparator in which the
inverting input is connected to the internal voltage
reference. The non-inverting input is the PFI pin of the
TC3401 and the PFO pin is the active low, open drain
output. This comparator is suitable as an early warning
fail or low battery indicator. In a typical application,
where a voltage regulator is being used to supply
power to a system, the Power Fail comparator would
monitor the input voltage to the regulator while the VDD
monitor would measure the output voltage of the
regulator. Both PFO and RESET would drive interrupt
pins of a microcontroller.
The Power Fail detector may be used as a Wake-up or
Watchdog Timer. The Typical Application circuit shows
an RC network on PFI with the capacitor tied to a
tristated µC I/O pin. If R4 is 1 MΩ and C2 is 10µF, the
time constant is roughly ten seconds. The µC resets
the RC network by driving the I/O tied to PFI low and
then tristating it. The RC network will ramp to 1.23V in
roughly 9 seconds, assuming a VBATT of 3.0V. With
PFO tied to a µC input or interrupt, the µC will see a low
to high transition on PFO when the voltage on PFI
exceeds 1.23V. The PFO output is specified to be valid
for VDD = 1.3 to 5.5V.
DS21410B-page 10
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