READs (continued)
Data from any READ burst may be truncated with a
BURST TERMINATE command, as shown in Figure 11.
The BURST TERMINATE latency is equal to the READ
(CAS) latency, i.e., the BURST TERMINATE command
should be issued x cycles after the READ command,
where x equals the number of desired data element
pairs (pairs are required by the 2n-prefetch architec-
Data from any READ burst must be completed or
truncated before a subsequent WRITE command can
be issued. If truncation is necessary, the BURST TER-
MINATE command must be used, as shown in Figure
12. The tDQSS (MIN) case is shown; the tDQSS (MAX)
case has a longer bus idle time. (tDQSS [MIN] and
tDQSS [MAX] are defined in the section on WRITEs.)
128Mb: x32
A READ burst may be followed by, or truncated with,
a PRECHARGE command to the same bank provided
that auto precharge was not activated. The
PRECHARGE command should be issued x cycles after
the READ command, where x equals the number of
desired data element pairs (pairs are required by the
2n-prefetch architecture). This is shown in Figure 13.
Following the PRECHARGE command, a subsequent
command to the same bank cannot be issued until tRP
is met. Note that part of the row precharge time is hid-
den during the access of the last data elements.
128Mb: x32 DDR SDRAM
4M32DDR_B.p65 – Rev. B, Pub. 7/02
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