V. Quality Assurance Information
A. Quality Assurance Contacts:
Jim Pedicord (Manager, Reliability Operations)
Bryan Preeshl (Managing Director of QA)
Kenneth Huening (Vice President)
B. Outgoing Inspection Level: 0.1% for all electrical parameters guaranteed by the Datasheet.
0.1% For all Visual Defects.
C. Observed Outgoing Defect Rate: < 50 ppm
D. Sampling Plan: Mil-Std-105D
VI. Reliability Evaluation
A. Accelerated Life Test
The results of the 135°C biased (static) life test are shown in Table 1. Using these results, the Failure
Rate (λ) is calculated as follows:
λ= 1 =
(Chi square value for MTTF upper limit)
MTTF 192 x 4389 x 48 x 2
Temperature Acceleration factor assuming an activation energy of 0.8eV
λ = 22.62 x 10-9
λ = 22.62 F.I.T. (60% confidence level @ 25°C)
This low failure rate represents data collected from Maxim’s reliability monitor program. In addition to
routine production Burn-In, Maxim pulls a sample from every fabrication process three times per week and subjects
it to an extended Burn-In prior to shipment to ensure its reliability. The reliability control level for each lot to be
shipped as standard product is 59 F.I.T. at a 60% confidence level, which equates to 3 failures in an 80 piece
sample. Maxim performs failure analysis on any lot that exceeds this reliability control level. Attached Burn-In
Schematic (Spec. # 06-6190) shows the static Burn-In circuit. Maxim also performs quarterly 1000 hour life test
monitors. This data is published in the Product Reliability Report (RR-1M).
B. Moisture Resistance Tests
Maxim pulls pressure pot samples from every assembly process three times per week. Each lot sample
must meet an LTPD = 20 or less before shipment as standard product. Additionally, the industry standard
85°C/85%RH testing is done per generic device/package family once a quarter.
C. E.S.D. and Latch-Up Testing
The PN02-1 die type has been found to have all pins able to withstand a transient pulse of ±<200V, per Mil-
Std-883 Method 3015 (reference attached ESD Test Circuit). Latch-Up testing has shown that this device
withstands a current of ±250mA.