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V.90 Integrated Data/Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
1: In _ buffer empty (clear automatically by a
write to In _buffer)
0: In _ buffer not empty
Bit7: reset bit(write only)
1: software reset
(4)CRCL register: Address DC0AH (read only)
(5)CRCH register: Address DC0BH (read only)
UART (16550A) Emulation Registers
Receiver Buffer (Read), Transmitter Holding
Register (Write): Address: 0 (DLAB=0)
Reset State 00h
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 Bit2 bit1 bit0
dat7 dat6 dat5 dat4 dat3 Dat2 dat1 dat0
Interrupt Identification Register (IIR): Address 2
Reset State 01h, Read only
Bit7 Bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
FIFO 0 0 0 D3: D2: D1: D0:
In order to provide minimum software overhead
during data transfers, the virtual UART prioritizes
interrupts into four levels as follows: Receiver Line
Status (priority 1), Receiver Data Available (priority
2), Character Timeout Indication (priority 2, FIFO
mode only), Transmitter Holding Register Empty
(priority 3), and Modem Status (priority 4).
When this register address is read, it contains the
parallel received data. Data to be transmitted is
written to this register.
Interrupt Enable Register (IER): Address 1
The IIR register gives prioritized information
regarding the status of interrupt conditions. When
accessed, the IIR indicates the highest priority
interrupt that is pending.
Reset State 00h, Write Only
bit7 bit6 bit Bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
0 Enable Enable Enable Enable
Modem Line
Status Status Holding Data
Intr Intr Registe Intr
Bit 0: This bit can be used in either a prioritized
interrupt or polled environment to indicate
whether an interrupt is pending. When this bit
is a logic 0, an interrupt is pending, and the IIR
contents may be used as a pointer to the
appropriate interrupt service routine. When bit
0 is a logic 1, no interrupt is pending, and
polling (if used) continues.
This 8-bit register enables the four types of interrupts
as described below. Each interrupt source can
activate the INT output signal if enabled by this
register. Resetting bits 0 through 3 will disable all
UART interrupts.
Bit 0: This bit enables the Received Data Available
and timeout interrupts in the FIFO mode when
set to logic 1.
Bit 1-2: These two bits of the IIR are used to identify
the highest priority interrupt pending, as
indicated in the table below.
Bit 3: In character mode, this bit is 0. In FIFO mode,
this bit is set, along with bit 2, when a timeout
interrupt is pending.
Bit 4-6: Not used
Bit 1: This bit enables the Transmitter Holding
Register Empty Interrupt when set to logic 1.
Bit 7: FIFO always enabled.
Bit 2: This bit enables the Receiver Line Status
Interrupt when set to logic 1.
Bit 3: This bit enables the MODEM Status Interrupt
when set to logic 1.
Bit 4-7: Not used
Version: DM560P-DS-P07
August 11, 2000

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