be {VG-SP = VC - VSP – 0.5V}. Note that VC is the
controller internal regulated voltage.
When a reverse current fault is initiated, the gate
driver pulls the GATE pin low and discharges the
FET gate with 4Apeak capability.
When the input source voltage is applied and before
the MOSFET is fully enhanced, a voltage greater
than the Forward Over Current (FOC) Threshold will
be present across the MOSFET. To avoid an
erroneous FOC detection, a VGS detector blanks
the FOC and FWD comparators from initiating a
fault, until the GATE pin reaches 77% of VG-CLMP. If
VC is too low to establish the Gate Clamp condition
the reference for detection is 77% of {VC-V(SP) -
The fault circuit output is an open collector with 40μs
delay to prevent any false triggering. The FT pin
will be pulled low when any of the following faults
• Reverse current
• Forward Over-Current
• Forward Low Current
• Over-Temperature
• Input Under-Voltage
• Input Over-Voltage
• VC pin Under-Voltage
The only fault condition that initiates gate turn-off of
the MOSFET (as well as a fault flag signal) is when
the reverse current fault conditions are met. All other
fault conditions issue only a fault flag signal via the
FT pin, but do not affect the gate of the MOSFET.
The FT pin serves as an indicator that a fault
condition may be present. This information can be
reported to a Host to signal that some system level
maintenance may be required.
Picor Corporation •
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