#13 RT Timer Reset Register (Write Only)
Any write (i.e., data = don’t care) to this register’s address location resets the RT Time Tag timer to zero.
The BCRTM’s Remote Terminal Timer time-tags message transactions. The time tag is generated from a free-running eight-
bit timer of 64µs resolution. This timer can be reset to zero simply by writing to Register 13. When the timer is reset, it
immediately starts running.
#14 Activity Status/Operational Mode Register
BIT 15
Bus Monitor Select. This bit should be cleared for RT mode operation. The host sets this bit to enable the
BCRTM’s Monitor mode of operation. Bit 10 of Register 0 must also be "0" to enable the Monitor mode.
BIT 14
Monitor All Terminals. When this bit is set, the BCRTM monitors all remote terminal activity.If this bit is not set,
then bit 13 must be set. This bit should be cleared for RT Mode operation.
BIT 13
Monitor Declared Terminals. When this bit is set, the BCRTM monitors all remote terminal bus activity. If this
bit is not set, then bit 13 must be set.This bit should be cleared for RT mode operation.
BITs 12-0 Reserved
#15 Reserved Register
This register is reserved for BCRTM use only and the host should not access it.
#16 Monitor Selected Remote Terminal Address 15-0
BITs 15-0 Monitor Selected Remote Terminal Addresses 15-0. By setting the appropriate bit in this register, the host can
determine which or the Remote terminals, from RT 0 through RT 15, the BCRTM will monitor. For example,
by setting bit 5 in this register, the host instructs the BCRTM to only monitor the bus activity for remote terminal
5. These bits are not mutually exclusive, therefore, the host can monitor any number of different remote terminals
by selecting the proper combination of bits.
#17 Monitor Selected Remote Terminal Address 31-16
BITs 15-0 Monitor Selected Remote Terminal Addresses 31-16. By setting the appropriate bit in this register, the host can
determine which or the Remote terminals, from RT 16 through RT 31, the BCRTM will monitor. For example,
by setting bit 21 in this register, the host instructs the BCRTM to only monitor the bus activity for remote terminal
21. These bits are not mutually exclusive, therefore, the host can monitor any number of different remote
terminals by selecting the proper combination of bits on this register and Register 16.