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AD7872BR Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - Analog Devices

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AD7872BR Datasheet PDF : 16 Pages
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Complete Monolithic 14-Bit ADC
2s Complement Coding
Parallel, Byte and Serial Digital Interface
80 dB SNR at 10 kHz Input Frequency
57 ns Data Access Time
Low Power—50 mW typ
83 kSPS Throughput Rate
16-Lead SOIC (AD7872)
Digital Signal Processing
High Speed Modems
Speech Recognition and Synthesis
Spectrum Analysis
DSP Servo Control
Complete 14-Bit, Sampling ADCs
The AD7871 and AD7872 are fast, complete, 14-bit analog-to-
digital converters. They consist of a track/hold amplifier,
successive-approximation ADC, 3 V buried Zener reference and
versatile interface logic. The ADC features a self-contained, laser
trimmed internal clock, so no external clock timing components
are required. The on-chip clock may be overridden to synchronize
ADC operation to the digital system for minimum noise.
The AD7871 offers a choice of three data output formats: a sin-
gle, parallel, 14-bit word; two 8-bit bytes or a 14-bit serial data
stream. The AD7872 is a serial output device only. The two
parts are capable of interfacing to all modern microprocessors
and digital signal processors.
The AD7871 and AD7872 operate from ± 5 V power supplies,
accept bipolar input signals of ± 3 V and can convert full power
signals up to 41.5 kHz.
In addition to the traditional dc accuracy specifications, the
AD7871 and AD7872 are also fully specified for dynamic perfor-
mance parameters including distortion and signal-to-noise ratio.
Both devices are fabricated in Analog Devices’ LC2MOS mixed
technology process. The AD7871 is available in 28-pin plastic DIP
and PLCC packages. The AD7872 is available in a 16-pin plastic
DIP, hermetic DIP and 16-lead SOIC packages.
1. Complete 14-Bit ADC on a Chip.
2. Dynamic Specifications for DSP Users.
3. Low Power.
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which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
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© Analog Devices, Inc., 1997

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