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The transmit FIFO has a watermark scheme simi-
lar to the one described for the receive FIFO
above, and uses the same FWM value selections
in CSR4 for the watermark. Once filled to within
FWM of being full (by DMA from TX buffer in
shared memory), the transmit FIFO will not inter-
rupt the microcontroller until it empties enough to
fall below the watermark level.
3.1.7 DMA Controller
The MK50H27 has an on-chip DMA Controller cir-
cuit. This allows it to access memory without re-
quiring host software intervention. Whenever the
MK50H27 requires access to the host memory it
will negotiate for mastership of the bus. Upon
gaining control of the bus the MK50H27 will begin
transferring data to or from memory. The
MK50H27 will perform memory transfers until
either it has nothing more to transfer, it has
reached its DMA burst limit (user programmable),
or the BUSREL pin is driven low. In any case, it
will complete all bus transfers before releasing
bus mastership back to the host. If during a
memory transfer, the memory does not respond
within 256 SCLK cycles, the MK50H27 will re-
lease ownership of the bus immediately and the
MERR bit will be set in CSR0. The DMA burst
limit can be programmed by the user through
CSR4. In 16 bit mode the limit can be set to 1
word, 8 words, or unlimited word transfers. In 8
bit mode,it can be set to 2 bytes, 16 bytes, or un-
limited byte transfers. For high speed data lines
(i.e. > 1 Mbps) a burst limit of 8 words or 16 bytes
is suggested to allow maximum throughput.
The byte ordering of the DMA transfers can be
programmed to account for differences in proces-
sor architectures or host programming languages.
Byte ordering can be programmed separately for
data and control information. Data information is
defined as all contents of data buffers; control in-
formation is defined as anything else in the
shared memory space (i.e. initialization block, de-
scriptors, etc). For more information see section on control status register 4.
3.1.8 Bus Slave Circuitry
The MK50H27 contains a bank of internal con-
trol/status registers (CSR0-5) which can be ac-
cessed by the host as a peripheral. The host can
read or write to these registers like any other bus
slave. The contents of these registers are listed
in Section 4 and bus signal timing is described in
Figures 9 and 10.
3.2 Buffer Management Overview
Refer to Fig. 3.
3.2.1 Initalization Block
Chip initialization information is located in a block
of memory called the Initialization Block. The In-
itialization Block consists of 200 contiguous words
of memory starting on a word boundary. This
memory is assembled by the HOST, and is ac-
cessed by the MK50H27 during initialization. The
Initialization Block is comprised of:
A. Mode of Operation.
B. Counter/Timer Preset Values.
C. Protocol Parameters or Options
D. Location and size of Receive and Transmit De-
scriptor Rings.
E. Optional Transmit Window SIze Value
F. Location of Status Buffer.
G. Optional JT-Q703 Signal Unit Interval Timer
H. Statistics and Error Counters.
3.2.2 The Circular Queue
The basic organization of the buffer management
is a circular queue of tasks in memory called de-
scriptor rings. There are separate rings to de-
scribe the transmit and receive operations. Up to
128 buffers may be queued-up on a descriptor
ring awaiting execution by the MK50H27. The
descriptor ring has a descriptor assigned to each
buffer. Each descriptor holds a pointer for the
starting address of the buffer, and holds a value
for the length of the buffer in bytes.
Each descriptor also contains two control bits
called OWNA and OWNB, which denote whether
the MK50H27, the HOST, or an I/O ACCELERA-
TION PROCESSOR ( if present ) ”owns” the buff-
er. For transmit, when the MK50H27 owns the
buffer, the MK50H27 is allowed and commanded
to transmit the buffer. When the MK50H27 does
not own the buffer, it will not transmit that buffer.
For receive, when the MK50H27 owns a buffer, it
may place received data into that buffer. Con-
versely, when the MK50H27 does not own a re-
ceive buffer, it will not place received data into
that buffer.
The MK50H27 buffer management mechanism
will handle frames which are longer than the
length of an individual buffer. This is done by a
chaining method which utilizes multiple buffers.
The MK50H27 tests the next descriptor in the de-
scriptor ring in a ”look ahead” manner. If the
frame is too long for one buffer, the next buffer
will be used after filling the first buffer; that is,
”chained”. The MK50H27 will then ”look ahead”
to the next buffer, and chain that buffer if neces-
sary, and so on.The operational parameters for
the buffer management are defined by the user in
the initialization block. The parameters defined
include the basic mode of operation, protocol op-
tions, the number of entries for the transmitter

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