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ST7536CFN Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - STMicroelectronics

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ST7536CFN Datasheet PDF : 9 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 - Receive Section
The receive section is active when Rx/Tx = 1.
The baud rate and channel selection is also made
according to Table 1.
The Rx signal is applied on RAI with a common
mode voltage of 0V and filtered by a band-pass
switched capacitor filter (Rx band-pass) centered
on the receivedcarrier frequencyand whose band-
width is around 6kHz. The input voltage range on
RAI is 2mVRMS - 2VRMS.
The Rx filter outputis amplifiedby a 20dBgain stage
whichprovidessymmetrical limitations forlarge volt-
age. The resulting signal is down-converted by a
mixer which receives a local oscillator synthesized
by the FSK modulatorblock. Finally an intermediate
frequency band-pass filter (IF band-pass) whose
central frequency is 2.7kHz when BRS = 0 and
5.4kHz when BRS = 1 improves the signal to noise
ratio before entering the FSK demodulator. The
coupling of the intermediate frequency filter output
(IFO) to the FSKdemodulatorinput (DEMI) is made
by an externalcapacitor C5 (1µF ±10%, 10V) which
cancels the Rx path offset voltage.
A clock recovery circuit extracts the receive clock
(CLR/T) from the demodulated output (RxDEM)
and delivers synchronous data (RxD) on the posi-
tive edge of CLR/T.
Figure 3 : Rx Data Output Timing
3 - Additional Digital and Analog Functions
A reset intput (RESET) initializes the device.
When RESET = 0, the device is in power-down
mode and all the internal logic is reset. When
RESET = 1, the device is active.
A time base section delivers all the internal clocks
from a crystal oscillator (11.0592MHz). The crystal
is connected between XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins and
needs two external capacitors C3 and C4 depend-
ing on the crystal characteristic typically
22pF ±10% for proper operation. It is also possible
to provide directly the clock on pin XTAL1 ; in this
case C3 and C4 should be removed.
An Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) Section
adjusts the central frequency of Rx and Tx band-
pass filter to the carrier central frequency. The
stability of the AFC loop is ensured by an external
compensationnetwork C1 (470nF ±10%, 10V), C2
(47nF ±10%, 10V) and R1 (1.5k±5%) connected
to pin AFCF.
Figure 4 : Automatic Frequency Loop Filter
C1 R1
4 - Testing Features
- An additionnalamplifier allows the observationof
the Rx band-pass filter output on pin RxFO.
- A direct input to the Tx band-pass filter (TxFI) is
available and selected when TEST4 = 1.
- The 3 second normal duration of the Tx to Rx
mode automatic switching is reduced to 1.48ms
when TEST2 = 1.
- When TEST1 = 1 the Tx to Rx mode automatic
switching is desactivated and the functional mode
of the circuit is controlledby Rx/Tx as follow : when
Rx/Tx = 0 the circuit is transmitting continuously,
whenRx/Tx = 1 the clock recovery block is discon-
nected from the FSK demodulator for testing pur-
pose, in this configurationTEST 3 is the data input
of the clock recovery block, RxDEM follow TEST3
and RxD delivers the resynchronized data.
5 - Power Supplies Wiring and Decoupling
The ST7536 has two positive power supply pins,
two negative power supply pins and two ground
pins in order to separate internal analog and digital
supplies. The analog and digital terminals of each
supply pair must be connected together externally
and require special routing precautions in order to
get the best receive sensitivity performances.
The three major routing requirements are :
- The ground impedance should be as low as
possible, for this purpose the AGND an DGND
terminals can be connected via a local plane.
- The positive and negative power supplies (AVDD,
DVDD, AVSS, DVSS) should be star-connected,
avoiding common current path for the digital and
analog power supplies terminals.
- Five decoupling capacitors located as close as
possible to the power supply terminals should be
used. Two 2.2µF tantalum and two 100nF ce-
ramic capacitors perform the main decoupling
function in the vicinity of the analog power sup-
plies and a 100nFceramiccapacitor in the vicinity
of the positive digital power supply is used to
reduce the high frequency perturbations gener-
ated by the logic part of the circuit.

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