Philips Electronics
Hex 2-input NOR drivers

Philips Electronics
Bus transceivers 3-State

Philips Electronics
8-bit parallel-access shift register

Philips Electronics
Quad transceiver, inverting 3-State

Philips Electronics
Octal buffer/driver with parity, non-inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal registered transceivers

Philips Electronics
Octal Bus Transceiver, Non-Inverting(3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver with 8-bit parit generator/checker

Philips Electronics
13-input NAND gate

Philips Electronics
8-bit bidirectional universal shift register

Philips Electronics
Bus interface registers

Philips Electronics
10-bit bus interface latches, non-inverting/inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Hex D flip-flop with enable

Philips Electronics
Octal D flip-flop (3-State)

Philips Electronics

Philips Electronics
Dual J-K negative edge-triggered flip-flop

Philips Electronics
16-bit serial/parallel-in, serial-out shift register (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Bus interface registers

NXP Semiconductors.
Up/down binary counter with separate up/down clocks