Ferroxcube International Holding B.V.
EFD cores and accessories

Ferroxcube International Holding B.V.
EFD cores and accessories

Ferroxcube International Holding B.V.
EFD cores and accessories

EFD cores and accessories

Ferroxcube International Holding B.V.
EFD cores and accessories

General Power Transformer

Philips Electronics
EFD cores and accessories

Ferroxcube International Holding B.V.
EFD cores and accessories

EFD cores and accessories

EFD20 High Frequency Transformer

Crydom Inc.,
Power Modules

Crydom Inc.,
Power Modules

Crydom Inc.,
Power Modules

Crydom Inc.,
Power Modules

Crydom Inc.,
Power Modules

Crydom Inc.,
Power Modules

Crydom Inc.,
Power Modules

Crydom Inc.,
Power Modules