ROHM Semiconductor
Current Limit High Side Switch ICs

ROHM Semiconductor
2ch High Side Switch ICs for USB Devices and Memory Cards

ROHM Semiconductor
2ch Large Current Output USB High Side Switch ICs

ROHM Semiconductor
Current Limit High Side Switch ICs

ROHM Semiconductor
Large Current Output Power Management Switch ICs

ROHM Semiconductor
1ch Small Package High Side Switch IC for USB Devices and Memory Cards

ROHM Semiconductor
2ch Large Current Output USB High Side Switch ICs

ROHM Semiconductor
Load Switch ICs for Potable Equipment

ROHM Semiconductor
1ch High Side Switch ICs for USB Devices and Memory Cards

ROHM Semiconductor
2ch High Side Switch ICs for USB Devices and Memory Cards

ROHM Semiconductor
Two-Channel/Three-Channel Small Signal IGBT/MOSFET Gate Drivers

ROHM Semiconductor
2ch High Side Switch ICs for USB Devices and Memory Cards

ROHM Semiconductor
White Backlight LED Driver for Medium to Large LCD Panels (Switching Regulator Type)

ROHM Semiconductor
2ch High Side Switch ICs for USB Devices and Memory Cards

ROHM Semiconductor
High Side Switch

ROHM Semiconductor
Two-Channel/Three-Channel Small Signal IGBT/MOSFET Gate Drivers

ROHM Semiconductor
2ch Large Current Output USB High Side Switch ICs

ROHM Semiconductor
2ch High Side Switch ICs for USB Devices and Memory Cards

ROHM Semiconductor
2ch Large Current Output USB High Side Switch ICs