Analog Devices
The iSensor® family of products provides a serial peripheral interface (SPI) for data communications. The SPI interface and a well-calibrated cluster of sensors enable quick integration into systems that employ embedded processor systems. For users who are familiar with embedded processors, integrating the iSensor device with a familiar processor system enables development with familiar software tools, provides more flexibility, and enables more design reuse after the initial sensor evaluation is complete. For users who are unfamiliar with embedded processors and their development tools, the EVAL-ADIS system provides a simple PC-based tool for getting started with iSensor products.
PC USB evaluation system for inertial measurement units
Product-specific evaluation software
Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 compatible
32-bit and 64-bit USB driver support
USB 2.0 or subsequent version required
Synchronous data acquisition
Maximum sample rate for most ADIS16xxx products
No external power supply required for most products
EVAL-ADIS circuit board
16-pin ribbon connector, 2 mm
USB mini cable, 6 ft
M2 × 0.4 mm machine screw kit