TS3005DB Datasheet - Touchstone Semiconductor Inc

Touchstone Semiconductor Inc
The demo board for the TS3005 is a completely assembled and tested circuit board that can be used for evaluating the TS3005. The TS3005 is a singlesupply, second-generation Touchstone Semi oscillator/timer fully specified to operate at a supply voltage range of 1.55V to 5.25V while consuming less than 1.5μA(max) supply current. Requiring only a resistor to set the base output frequency (or output period) at 49Hz (or 20.5ms) with a 50% duty cycle, the TS3005 timer/oscillator is compact, easy-to-use, and versatile. Optimized for ultra-long life, low frequency, battery-powered/portable applications, the TS3005 joins the TS3001, TS3002, TS3003, TS3004, and TS3006 in Touchstone’s CMOS timer family in its “NanoWatt Analog™” series of high-performance analog integrated circuits.
➢ 5V Supply Voltage
➢ FOUT/PWMOUT Output Period Range:
o 47.4ms ≤ tFOUT ≤ 27.6hrs
o RSET = 10MΩ
➢ PWMOUT Output Duty Cycle:
o 63% for FDIV2:0 = 000
o CPWM = 0.1µF
➢ PWMOUT Duty Cycle Reduction
o 1MΩ Potentiometer
➢ Fully Assembled and Tested
➢ 2in x 2in 2-layer circuit board