TPR500A Datasheet - Microsemi Corporation

Microsemi Corporation
The TPR 500A is a high power COMMON BASE bipolar transistor. It is designed for pulsed systems in the frequency band 1030-1090 MHz. The device has gold thin-film metallization and diffused ballasting for proven highest MTTF. The transistor includes input prematch for broadband capaility. Low thermal resistance package reduces junction temperature, extends life.
Part Name
500 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030 - 1090 MHz
GHz Technology
500 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030 / 1090 MHz
GHz Technology
500 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030 - 1090 MHz
GHz Technology
500 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030 - 1090 MHz
GHz Technology
400 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030 - 1090 MHz
GHz Technology
400 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030 - 1090 MHz
GHz Technology
150 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030 - 1090 MHz
Microsemi Corporation
700 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030 – 1090 MHz
Advanced Power Technology
700 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030 - 1090 MHz
GHz Technology
400 Watts, 50 Volts, Pulsed Avionics 1030-1090 MHz
Microsemi Corporation