The TDA9103 is a monolithic integrated circuit assembled in a 42 pins shrunk dual in line plastic package.
This IC controls all the functions related to the horizontal and vertical deflection in multimodes or multisync monitors.
As can be seenin the block diagram, the TDA9103 includes the following functions :
- Positive or Negative sync polarities,
- Auto-sync horizontal processing,
- H-PLL lock/unlock identification,
- Auto-sync Vertical processing,
- East/West signal processing block,
- B+ controller,
- Safety blanking output.
This IC, combined with TDA9205 (RGB preamp), STV9420/21 or 22 (O.S.D. processor), ST7271 (micro controller) and TDA8172 (vertical booster), allows to realize very simple and high quality multimodes or multisync monitors.