Philips Electronics
The TDA4854 is a high performance and efficient solution for autosync monitors. All functions are controllable by I2C-bus.
The TDA4854 provides synchronization processing,
horizontal and vertical synchronization with full autosync capability, a TV/VCR mode and very short settling times after mode changes. External power components are given a great deal of protection. The IC generates the drive waveforms for DC-coupled vertical boosters such as the TDA486x and TDA835x.
The TDA4854 provides extended functions e.g. as a flexible B+ control, an extensive set of geometry control facilities, and a combined output for horizontal and vertical focus signals.
The TDA4853 is an economy version of the TDA4854, especially designed for use in 14” and 15” monitors with combined EHT generation. It provides the same features as the TDA4854 except for the dynamic focus block.
Together with the I2C-bus driven Philips TDA488x video processor family, a very advanced system solution is offered.
Concept features
• Full horizontal plus vertical autosync capability; TV and
VCR mode included
• Extended horizontal frequency range from
15 to 130 kHz
• Comprehensive set of I2C-bus driven geometry
adjustments and functions, including standby mode
• Very good vertical linearity
• Moire cancellation
• Start-up and switch-off sequence for safe operation of
all power components
• X-ray protection
• Flexible switched mode B+ supply function block for
feedback and feed forward converter
• Internally stabilized voltage reference
• Drive signal for focus amplifiers with combined
horizontal and vertical parabola waveforms (TDA4854)
• DC controllable inputs for Extremely High Tension (EHT) compensation
• SDIP32 package.