Philips Electronics
The TDA2595 is a monolithic integrated circuit intended for use in colour television receivers.
• Positive video input; capacitively coupled (source impedance < 200 Ω)
• Adaptive sync separator; slicing level at 50% of sync amplitude
• Internal vertical pulse separator with double slope integrator
• Output stage for vertical sync pulse or composite sync depending on the load; both are switched off at muting
• ϕ1 phase control between horizontal sync and oscillator
• Coincidence detector ϕ3 for automatic time-constant switching; overruled by the VCR switch
• Time-constant switch between two external time-constants or loop-gain; both controlled by the coincidence detector ϕ3
• ϕ1 gating pulse controlled by coincidence detector ϕ3
• Mute circuit depending on TV transmitter identification
• ϕ2 phase control between line flyback and oscillator; the slicing levels for ϕ2 control and horizontal blanking can be set
• Burst keying and horizontal blanking pulse generation, in combination with clamping of the vertical blanking pulse
(three-level sandcastle)
• Horizontal drive output with constant duty cycle inhibited by the protection circuit or the supply voltage sensor
• Detector for too low supply voltage
• Protection circuit for switching off the horizontal drive output continuously if the input voltage is below 4 V or higher
than 8 V
• Line flyback control causing the horizontal blanking level at the sandcastle output continuously in case of a missing flyback pulse
• Spot-suppressor controlled by the line flyback control
Supply voltage (pin 15) V15-5 = VP typ. 12 V
Sync pulse amplitude (positive video) Vi(p-p) min. 50 mV
Horizontal output current I4 typ. 50 mA