The STV6433 is a filtered video output interface for DVD, Satellite and Cable Set-Top Box applications.
After removing D/A conversion noise using integrated low pass filters, the STV6433 adapts the Y and C signals coming from the digital decoder in amplitude and impedance for transmission to the TV set and an auxiliary device (VCR, DVD recorders, etc.) via adapted 75-ohm cables.
A Y+C adder with buffer for providing a CVBS signal to external loads and a pre-processing of a CVBS signal for RF modulator (RFOUT) are included in STV6433.
This pre-processing is a notch filtering at 4.5 MHz (before the addition of the audio signal in the RF modulator) and a 170 ns Y/C delay (to compensate the nominal distorsion in the TV IF filter).
The STV6433 is powered by a 5V voltage supply and is fully-compatible with STi55xx digital encoders.
■ Y, C Inputs with 7.1 MHz filters
■ 40 dB Stop Band Attenuation at 27 MHz
■ RF Signal with 14 dB Notch Filter at 4.5 MHz for Sound Trap
■ RF Signal with -170 ns Differential Group
Delay between 400 kHz and 3.58 MHz
■ 6 dB Gain
■ Capabilities of Integrated Output Buffers:
Double-adapted Loads (75Ω) on CVBS Output, Single-adapted Loads on Y and C Outputs
■ AC-coupled Inputs
■ DC-coupled Outputs for Y, CVBS and RFOUT
■ DC- or AC-coupled Output for COUT
■ Bottom Clamp on Y, Bias Clamp on C
■ Crosstalk: 55 dB (typical)