W.A.R.P.2.0 is a member of the W.A.R.P. family of fuzzy microprocessors, completely developed and producedby SGS-THOMSONMicroelectronicsusing the high performance, reliable HCMOS4T (O.7µm) process.
■ Digital Fuzzy Co-processor 8-bit I/O
■ High Speed Rules Processing 4 Input, 2 Output, 32 Rules in 33.1µs
■ Up to 256 Rules (4 Antecedents,1 Consequent)
■ Up to 8 Input Configurable Variables
■ Up to 16 Membership Functions for an Input Variable
■ Antecedent Membership Functions with Triangular and Trapezoidal Shape
■ Up to 4 Output Variables
■ Up to 256 Membership Functions for all Consequents
■ Singleton Consequent Membership Functions
■ Defuzzification on chip
■ Maximum Clock Frequency 40MHz
■ A/D Start Convertion Pulse presettable
■ Direct Interface to all popular microprocessor
■ HandshakingSignal Polarity presettable
■ Operates ”STAND ALONE” (without µP) if desired
■ Standard +5V Supply Voltage
■ Software Tools and Emulators Availability
■ Pin number: 52
■ 68-lead Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier package.