ROHM Semiconductor
SH-DC70 series was developed with two key structures step-free and near edge for the packaging printer market which requires high speed continuous printing. It is suitable for printers in factory line where high speed 24 hours continuous printing is required.
1) ROHM new technology “STEP FREE” structure will provide, high corrosion resistance, better resistance against scratching damage, high efficiency.
2) Head inclination by near-edge structure, applicable to the large-size platen. Resin type thermal-transfer ink-ribbon can be used.
3) High-hardness protect cote type “W-coat” is employed with 150km abrasion life-time.
4) A built in history-control functionality, high-speed printing up to 300mm / s can be achieved with clear print image.
Bar code printer
Label printer
Packaging printer
Ticket printer