The S1A0067X01 is a two channel power amplifier with 4.6W typical output on 12.0V Vcc.
It’s typical output is 4.6W on VCC = 12.0V. There is no needs of a bootstrap-capacitor due to the use of V-PNP for a power transitory.
So, it is an advantage for making a whole system. It has an additional stand-by function, the pop noise on switc hing it’s mute function is much reduced.
The S1A0067X01 has the built-in thermal protection function with hysterisys in order to protect a blocking oscillation in a short period due to a repeated protection switching on overheating of IC.
The S1A0067X01 has a built-in output-vcc or output-gnd short protection function.
• Two channel 4.6W power Amp (Vcc = 12.0V)
• High power with non bootstrap capacitor
• Mute function
• Stand-by function: 100uA
• Very low pop noise, when mute on/off
• Wide operation voltage: 6.0V - 18.0V
• Include thermal protection with hysterisis
• Output-Vcc, output-GND short protection