The patented SBS® connector family is designed to provide high power in a compact ergonomic housing with protection against accidental contact with live circuits. This is of particular importance in applications where DC voltages exceed 30 volts and can be health threatening.
Wire-to-wire and wire-to-board confgurations both provide power contacts rated up to 110 amps. The SBS®75X offers up to 4 mate-last break-frst auxiliary power / signal contacts rated up to 20 amps. The SBS®75G features a third frst-mate last-break ground or power contact. All contact positions are rated for circuit interruption (hot plugging).
• Touch Safe Interface
- Can safely be used in through panel applications
- Minimizes potential contact with live circuits per IEC 60950
• Wire-to-Wire and Wire-to-Board Confgurations
Allows one connector to meet multiple needs
• Ground or Auxiliary Contacts Integrated into the One Piece Housing
Meets all connection requirements in one compact
connector housing