Pixart Imaging Inc.
General Description:
The PAC407 is a highly integrated CMOS active-pixel image sensor that has a VGA resolution (644H x 484V or 640H x 480V). The PAC407 outputs 8-bit data with wide range of formats include RGB Raw Data, RGB565 and YCbCr422 through an 8-bit parallel data bus. It is available in 32-pin LCC and 22-pin CSP.
To have an excellent image quality, the PAC407 supports all require image processing functions, includes Automatic Exposure Control, Automatic White Balance, Gamma Correction, Color Saturation Correction, Edge Enhancement, Lens Shading Compensation and Defect Compensation. These functions are all programmable via I C 2 TM serial control bus.
◾ VGA, QVGA, QQVGA (Sub-sampling) and
Window Of Interest (WOI) outputs with 8-bit
parallel data mode, the formats include:
o Raw Data
o RGB565
o YCbCr422
◾ VGA resolution, ~1/4” Lens
o 644 x 484 pixels (Raw Data)
o 640 x 480 pixels (YUV/RGB)
◾ Bayer-RGB color filter array
◾ Continuous variable frame time(1/2sec~1/30sec)
◾ On-chip 10-bit pipelined A/D converter
◾ On-chip programmable gain amplifier
o 4-bit color gain amplifier (x1~x2)
o 4-bit global gain amplifier (x1~x2)
◾ Automatic image control functions:
o AEC: Automatic Exposure Control
o AWB: Automatic White Balance
◾ Image quality control:
o Color Saturation
o Gamma Correction
o Sharpness (Edge Enhancement)
o Smooth filter for skin
◾ Defect Compensation
◾ Lens Shading Compensation
◾ X Flip Function for mirrored image
◾ Digital Zoom (x2, x4)
◾ <25mA(~15 fps) power dissipation
◾ I C 2 TM Serial Interface
◾ Pin-to-pin compatible to OV7648
(Except for the polarity of RESET pin)