Optek Technology
Slotted optical switches in the OPB852, and OPB853 series consist of an infrared emitting diode and a NPN silicon phototransistor or photodarlington, mounted on opposite sides of a 0.125” (3.175 mm) wide slot. The OPB852A, OPB852B and OPB852C have phototransistor output, while the OPB853A, OPB853B and OPB853C have photodarlington output.
On each of these devices, the emitter has a molded-in aperture of 0.050” x 0.050” (1.270 mm x 1.270 mm) and the phototransistor (OPB852) or photodarlington (OPB853) has a molded-in aperture of 0.010” x 0.050” (0.254 mm x 1.270 mm).
Phototransistor or photodarlington switching occurs when an opaque object passes through the slot.
• Inexpensive opaque plastic housing
• Choice of transistor (OPB852) or photodarlington (OPB853) output
• 0.125” (3.18 mm) slot width
• 0.290” (7.37 mm) lead spacing
• Apertured for high resolution
• Non-contact interruptive object sensing
• Assembly line automation
• Machine automation
• Equipment security
• Machine safety